-Week of 3/9-

On this page, you can read work created in our writing workshop! To submit something of your own from the workshop, click here .

  • Untitled by Anonymous:

“I think, therefore, I am,” said Rene Descartes. Nothing more than common sense to me when I first heard it. Of course, we exist; there is no need to question it. Or is that really true? Do we exist? I mean surely we do. We can feel, think (like what Descartes said), see, touch, taste. We are conscious. Or are we really? What if we are just a simulation? Are we just living in a computer simulation created by aliens just so they could have some fun? When we think we can sense and feel things, is that really happening? What if it is just some coding? Also, where are we? Planet Earth, you might say. Yeah, obviously, but I am talking about the grand scheme of things. The universe is incomprehensible big, and every moment that passes, it gets even bigger. And what even is space to begin with? It is literally just emptiness, but why does it exist? I cannot put it into words because of how much the concept of space baffles me. It just--exists! And do not get me started on why the universe exists? Or even more essentially, why do we exist?

3/9 writing workshop #6