Project Suggestions for Elementary School Students

Book Talk 

Plan out your script and record a 5 minute book talk on a smartphone or on your computer using Screencastify. 

BookTalks by Kids for Kids

Screencastify Video Tutorial

alt="How to Make a Zine"

Zine About Your Book

Make a zine to share a summary and book review.

How to Make a Zine: A Kid-Friendly DIY Guide

How to Make a Zine From One Piece of Printer Paper (Video Tutorial)

alt="Comic Book Project Example"

Comic Book Summary 

Create a comic to summarize your book! Use a digital tool such as Canva or draw your own comic book from scratch, or use a printable template such as this one

Student Examples from Book Creator's Comic Book Competition

alt="Paper Bag Book Report"

Paper Bag Book Report

Slide Presentation

Access the Google Slide Template 

Fill it out with information about your book. Be as creative as you'd like!

Letter to the Author

Write a letter or email to the author of your book! You can choose whether or not you'd like to send your letter, but if you do mail it, be sure to save a copy or take a photo for your teacher first. If sending an email to the author, email it to your teacher too!

Guide to Writing a Friendly Letter

How to Write a Letter an Author Will Love

alt="Biography Poem"

Biography Poem

Write a biography poem about the main character in your book. 

How to Write a Bio Poem

Favorite Scene Script

Rewrite your book or a favorite scene from your book as a play or movie script. Turn in the written script or gather friends, family, or puppets to act it out and turn in a video recording.

How to Write a Play

Play Script Student Example 

Book Cover Redesign

Create an alternate cover for your book. Be sure to include a detailed and colorful illustration that relates to the story or topic, the book's title, and the author. On the back of your cover, write an original blurb that is sure to pull in readers!

How to Write a Winning Book Blurb

Movie Soundtrack

If your book were made into a movie, what songs should be part of the soundtrack? Choose 2-3 songs. List the song titles and artists. For each song, write or type a paragraph explaining at which specific point in the book's plot each song would play and why you chose it.  If typing your response, you may choose to include a link to the song as well.

Journal Entry

Write or type journal or diary entries from the point of view of one of the story’s main characters. Write a total of 2-3 entries. Each entry should be at least a paragraph in length. Include the chapter or page number in the text that inspired the entry. Remember to think beyond the main events of the book. In a journal or diary entry, the character’s inner thoughts and feelings are also shared.

Writing a Diary Entry Slide Deck Instructions

Student Examples

Do you have a different idea for a summer reading project? 

Email your teacher for permission to submit an alternate project!