Useful websites
This shows the energy sources our electricity is made from.
As of June 2020 no coal had been used for 2 months to generate electricity!
Can you think of ways we could reduce our energy usage or ways to generate 'green' electricity?
Whether you are following these links or using the internet to find out more information or talk to you friends, it's important that you stay safe online.
Just as we do lots to stay safe at school, it is important to stay safe when you are working online too. Watch this video which tells you all about Online Privacy.
Our Safeguarding Group
If you have any questions/ concerns you can talk to one of the members of the Safeguarding group.
The memebers of the Group are:
Ms Rana- Headteacher
Ms Hasker- Inclusion lead
Ms Moxom- PSHE/Mental health lead
Ms Vallance- Parent support advisor
Ms Hamid- Medical lead
Our 2 pupil representatives:
Anamika (Year 5)
Nuuradin (Year 5)