School Supports

Persuant to SB 150 (passed 3/28/2023): Notice to parents/guardians of rights to opt out of one or more health or mental health services. The health form can be found here (this is also the access for Cumberland Family Health services). The opt-out mental health can be found here

Huntertown Elementary

Counselor - Neal Fannin

Family Resource Center Coordinator - Deann Watts

School Psychologist - Nancy Alspach

Nurse -Julie Cox

Mental Health Therapist - Nick Porritt (Cumberland Family Medical)

Northside Elementary

Counselor - Kenna Love

Family Resource Center Coordinator - Celine Galvan

School Psychologist - Katie Moore

Nurse - Michelle Hinman

Mental Health Therapist - Rebekah Davis (Cumberland Family Medical)

Simmons Elementary

Counselor - Carrie Apple

Family Resource Center Coordinator - Celine Galvan

School Psychologist - Madison McGoldrick

Nurse - Erin Gordon

Mental Health Therapist - Heather Jackson (Cumberland Family Medical)

Southside Elementary 

Counselor - Tacia Keeton and Bianca Bargo

Family Resource Center Coordinator - Deann Watts

School Psychologist - Madison McGoldrick

Nurse - Crissie Evans

Mental Health Therapist - Katie Morris (Cumberland Famly Medical)

Safe Harbor Academy

Counselor - Kari Housholder

School Psychologist - Madison McGoldrick

Youth Service Center - Mallory White

Nurse - Erin Gordon

Mental Health Therapist - Hannah Phillips

Woodford County Middle School


Rachel Smith (Last name A-K) 

Jennifer Rock (Last name L-Z) 

School Social Worker - Sara Swinford

Youth Service Center Coordinator - Mallory White

School Psychologist - Katie Moore

Nurse - Sheila Calvert

Mental Health Therapist - Cynthia Jones

Woodford County High School


Kristen Wilson (9-11 grades, Last name A-Ma)

Bill Robbins (9-11 grades, Last name Mb-Z)

Emily Grimes (12th grade)

Social Worker - Don Offutt

Youth Service Center Coordinator - Torie Hundley

School Psychologist - Nancy Alspach

Nurse -Sara Butler

Mental Health Therapist - Hannah Phillips

District Social Workers:

Jill Hargis

Sara Swinford

Administrator over Mental Health Supports and 504 Plans:

Tracey Francis