Safeguarding and Wellbeing

If you have concerns about a child in the school you can contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Emma Digby – 07384 814102

Deputy DSLs are ; Andrea Ashton, Terri Wyse, Bill Jenkins

You can also call Surrey’s Children’s Single Point of Access Phone: 0300 470 9100

Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 emergency duty team.

If you have a concern regarding someone who works with children please contact the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO) on 0300 123 1650 or

Telephone Hotline for the Educational Psychology Service

This hotline is available to parents every Wednesday from 1 to 4pm.

Feel free to call to talk through worries or concerns you have in relation to any child or young person, their well-being and the current COVID-19 situation.

Call 01737 73777 and ask to be put through to the Educational Psychology hotline.



In this difficult time I have decided to focus on Healthy Eating while we are in 'lock down'. It is important to try and eat a healthy balanced diet. Miss Marr knows that most of you will enjoy baking cakes, biscuits, desserts, etc.

Miss Marr is going to upload recipes, links on healthy breakfast, healthy lunches and heathy dinners to Google Classroom. They are just suggestions that you can cook with your child. Children must ask an adults permission before doing any making and they should be supervised.

Please look at the short video about the Eatwell Guide and the link which shows you a poster of the Eatwell Guide

Online Safety at Home

On this hub you will find a guide on how to set parental controls on devices and other information on keeping children safe online, on apps and social media.

Domestic Abuse Support