Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions from both parents and students. They are sorted by topic. Click on the arrow to see a list of questions.

School Placement

What does the 8th Grade Transition Process look like?

  • Students will be provided a google form, where they will be given an opportunity to provide input on their placement. Parents will then be asked to sign off and give approval of their students' choices. The HS Administration will then use the student feedback, and their elective choices to determine which school will best meet their needs. Students will receive their school placement letter in early May.

How will I be placed in a school?

  • Due to the on-going changes to the HS model, we have changed the process. This year students will provide input into their school preferences, and then select their electives. This will help principals place students in a school that best meets their needs. However, the HS 2.0 process means that students will likely graduate from a school other than the one they are placed in for the 21-22 school year.

Getting Involved - Sports and Clubs

Do you have to attend a certain school in order to join the sports teams on campus?

  • Nope! We are all BULLDOGS! Any student, from any school can try out for a campus team.

Do you have to attend a certain school to be in a play, or participate in Band or Choir?

  • Nope! Again, all co-curricular activities are open to all students from across the campus.


Which school do I have to be placed in to take a choir or band class?

Which school do I have to be placed in to take a theater class?

Which school do I have to be placed in to take IB or AP classes?

  • IB and AP classes are typically for 11th and 12th graders. At this time they are connected to specific schools (IB = AIS, WAAST and WACA, AP = WeBSS). However, by the time you are eligible to take these classes, we will be transitioning to our new model, which will open up these course pathways to all students.

What classes will I take?

  • All 9th graders take very similar courses their freshman year. This includes a Language Arts class, a Math class (usually Algebra or Geometry), a Science class, a Language Class (Spanish or Russian), Health 1 and PE, and then 1-2 electives of your choosing.

Being a Bulldog

Will the HS be back to regular classes next year?

  • Unfortunately, we don't have an answer to that question YET! We will continue to follow the guidance from ODE and the Oregon Health Authority to ensure that we are making decisions that are safe for all students and teachers.

What does the HS Schedule look like?

  • Typically students take 7 classes a day. School starts at 7:50 and ends at 2:50. Students eat lunch with their school.

What will the first day of school look like?

  • If the HS is back to our regular schedule - then the High School holds a Link Crew day for 9th graders the day before the first day of school. On this day, 9th graders will be on campus without any other students and will have an opportunity to tour the building, meet their teachers, and learn about student expectations.

Career Opportunities

Which school do I have to be placed in if I want to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, artist...

  • All four schools offer coursework that will help you achieve your goals after high school. As the HS 2.0 model is implemented, additional Career and Technical Education opportunities will be open to all students, expanding options for students across the campus. There is not one school that you must be enrolled in, in order to choose a career path in the future.

Which school do I have to be placed in if I want to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, artist...

All four schools offer coursework that will help you achieve your goals after high school. As the HS 2.0 model is implemented, additional Career and Technical Education opportunities will be open to all students, expanding options for students across the campus. There is not one school that you must be enrolled in, in order to choose a career path in the future.