2nd grade - Week 9

October 25-29

Ms. Celestino's Class - Room 120 - 10:10 to 10:45


ATTENDANCE QUESTION 10/25/21: Would you rather be covered with feathers (like a bird) or scales (like a fish)

Code.org - Passwords, intro, etc.

Students work independently on Code.org while I work individually with them on cut/paste/font/color and turning in Google Classroom assignments


ATTENDANCE QUESTION 10/26/21: Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

Students work independently on Code.org while I work individually with them on cut/paste/font/color and turning in Google Classroom assignments


ATTENDANCE QUESTION 10/28/21: Do you like snow?

Students work independently on Code.org while I work individually with them on cut/paste/font/color and turning in Google Classroom assignments


ATTENDANCE QUESTION 10/29/21: Would you rather be really hairy all over your body or be bald?

Free Technology Exploration