Technology Information

If you would like to contact one of our technicians by email please email:

If you would like to contact one of our technicians by phone please call :

Monday -Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm 870-732-8565

Monday -Thursday 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm 717-610-1438

I just got my Chromebook, but how do I login?

Student Google Logins for WMSD devices and programs are being updated starting today 08/19/2020 and will continue as student schedules are completed. If it doesn't work today, please wait until next day and try again. If you still cannot login on Monday 8/24/2020, please contact your campus Principal's Office. If your student's schedule is ready, you may use the schema below for initial login and setup of your student account.

USERNAME: The username is the student's email address, which is their:

One's studentID can be found on their student schedule you receive from your campus or even last year's report card.

For example: If the student ID listed on your schedule is 1234567890, then the username/email is

PASSWORD: The initial password is the student's Uppercase First Name Initial, Lowercase Last Name Initial, 8 digit birthdate (MMDDYYYY).

For example: Elvis Presley's password would be Ep01081935

*Students may change their password after initial login