News and Updates

MGS presents webinar on importance of outreach and education

Dr. Autumn Haagsma and John Yellich co-presented to the Illinois Sustainability Technology Center on the history and importance of outreach and engagement. We discussed strategies and provided examples of different types of engagement. The recording is available to watch!

NAPE Panelist 

In February, 2024, Dr. Haagsma participated on a panel discussing risk metrics for assessing CCUS reservoirs at the highly attended NAPE event. 

Testifying to Michigan senate

Dr. Autumn Haagsma testified to Michigan senators and their Energy and Environment Committee. She introduced the concepts of CCUS, risks, and our research to advance CCUS in Michigan. You can watch the recording here: 

WOODTV 8 CCUS Interview

Dr. Autumn Haagsma and Dr. Mert Atilhan were interviewed by WoodTV 8 about the recent big win for direct air capture research. Dr. Atilhan was awarded $2.25M to further develop the technology. Dr. Haagsma and her team are collaborating to optimize siting of the technology to maximize storage and impact.  The recording of the interviews can be found here: 

CCUS 2024 Another big success!

Dr. Autumn Haagsma chaired the annual CCUS conference for the fourth year in a row. The conference attendance continued to grow with about 1700 attendees from around the world. The conference had topics covering a broad range of issues, high-profile key note speakers, engaging panel sessions and luncheons, student opportunities, exhibitions, and networking events. Dr. Haagsma kicked-off the conference with opening remarks and was interviewed by OGGN for upcoming podcasts (to be released this summer). 

DPA Webinar - ethical considerations in sustainability

Dr. Autumn Haagsma and Dr. Rachelle Kernen co-presented on ethical considerations in sustainability for a DPA sponsored webinar hosted by AAPG. Julian Chenin served as the moderator and led the audience with engaging questions.