Code of Conduct, Grade 8

Personal Development and Behavior

Waldron students are held to a code of conduct. If a student fails to meet stated expectations, there may be disciplinary consequences. The following point system will be used as necessary.

Personal & Social Growth

1 Wearing incomplete uniform or wearing uniform improperly

1 Wearing makeup/nail polish/excessive jewelry

2 chewing gum

2 Eating food/drinking during inappropriate time or place

2 Violating lunch time rules

3 Calling out/excessive talking/interrupting

3 Fooling or being inattentive in class

3 Disobeying prayer/announcements/ homeroom and/or dismissal procedures

3 Leaving classroom without permission

3 Using inappropriate language or gestures

3 Misbehaving in bathroom or corridors

3 Showing disrespect to peers

5 Being discriminatory, offensive or annoying to peers

5 Lying

5 Cheating or copying another’s work/homework

5-12 Plagiarism

5-12 Behaving aggressively verbally

5-12 Making rude/discourteous comments, name calling, mocking

5-12 Behaving aggressively physically

5-12 Showing disrespect to teacher, volunteer, staff member

Effort & Study Skills

1 Failing to cover textbooks

1 Failing to return home/school work

2 Defacing copybooks, workbooks, textbooks, novels

2 Showing disrespect for property of others

2 Lacking required materials for class

2 Failing to complete/ turn in homework


5 Cell phone not placed in school bag during school day

5 Lacking proper care of Chromebook/case during school day

5-12 Improper use of technology during the school day

Warning numbers are placed in discipline log.

12 points = a detention

The Administration reserves the right to adjust the consequences.