Topic Talks 

September (1st)  Topic Talk:  All About Me!   *Students  will be assigned by last name (A-Z)

 Please Help your child fill in the following pages for homework.  You may print for him/ her.  We will use the information for a class book and for our first topic talk (show and Tell).  September (1st)  Topic Talk:  All About Me!  

Make up a small talk about yourself using the ideas from this paper. Try to remember a few ideas (3 to 5) from your paper to share about yourself with your new classmates. Practice at home by remembering a few things, speaking in a loud clear voice, and looking at the audience.

This is our first topic talk for the year. If you can’t remember the words, don’t worry.  Just do your best. If you forget, Mrs. Jordan can ask you questions from your paper that you will answer like an interview!

You will do your topic talk on the day when you are child of the day. We go down our class list by last names. You will do your All About Me topic talk on:

October  (2nd)  Topic Talk:  *Animals  Students  will be assigned by last name (A-Z)

Students will build a diorama of a habitat.  A diorama is a three dimensional scene of the habitat.  For Example:  A backyard Habitat diorama might have trees in the back and grass in the front.  It might have birds in the trees and ants on the ground.  Students can draw things in the diorama.  They can also use figurines to show animals and other parts of their environment.  The Goal is for students to indicate some combinations of plants and animals in the same habitat.  Students will be expected to know a few facts about their animal and its habitat. 

Please use Pebble Go. and National Geographic for Kids as  research tools.  Due to the pandemic I will not send home books.    ***See Child of the Day tab for Dates.  

End of November (3rd) Topic Talk:  Christmas Traditions/ Christmas around the World 

* Students  will be assigned by last name (A-Z)

Students will pick a country  from a list of countries to learn about  Christmas traditions.  Students can share information from their country using various resources such as,  presentation boards, pictures, videos, etc.  Have Fun!  Students must learn how to say "Merry Christmas"  in their country's native language.  Students must also display their country's flag during the presentation.  (if you need support with printing your child's country's flag, please let me know a week before your child present and I will support you."    To find out information about your child's county please see the tab "Links for kids" on this site.  Happy Learning!  

January  (4th)  Topic Talk:  My Favorite Toy  * Students  will be assigned by last name (Z-A)

Please see the form below for presentation dates.  

February (5th) Topic Talk:  Famous Americans    *Students  will be assigned by last name (Z-A)  Students will pick from the list of Famous Americans   to Learn 3-5 facts.  Students should be able to identify the person's name and contributions.   Please read or listen to stories about your child's famous American.  Your child should be able to share facts about this person without assistance.  I will share your child's choice very soon.  


March  (6th) Topic Talk:  Weather( topics will be sent home in February * Students  will be assigned by last name (Z-A)

6th Topic Talk requirements.  The sixth topic talk will begin the first week in March.  The topics will be focused on science.  Students will be required to complete a lap book.  Lap books are a great way to  highlight various aspects of their topics.  I have found that this is a great way for students to retain more information about a specific topic.  Should you need to see a copy of a lap book please let me know and I will send a copy of one home for you to see.  Please view the book and return the copy the next day.   I have attached a link below to show you what a lap book consist of.  I will display all books in the classroom.    All books will be returned one week after the last presentation.   I am here to assist you, please give me at least a weeks notice if you need any support from me to make this experience successful for your student.  

Printables for Lab book, 

So, What is a Lap-book? A lap-book is a large book made from a variety of mini-books and fold-ables. It is called a lap-book because when open it fits across your lap 

There are three ways that I have used to create lap-books. The first is the most traditional and the way.  With this one you simply use a file folder and fold in the two sides. You may need to glue cardstock inside so that the folder does not return to its former folds. After the folder is prepped you can layout and glue in your fold-ables and mini-books. METHOD #2: This method is simpler. All you need to do is create a book using file folders. No folding the folder or gluing in cardstock. Simply open a folder and layout your mini-books. Close the folder and create a cover. To add more pages you simply glue or tape on another folder. I used this method when the first method seemed to cause students a lot of un-needed stress. METHOD #3 Method 3 abandons the use of a file folder. I simply glue two sheets of paper together and fold them in the traditional style. Students can then add the fold-ables to their notebooks. This would also work well with card stock, but if you have budget constraints paper 

The more You Know!

More Information to Come

April (7th) Topic Talk:  Free Choice * Students will be assigned by last name (A-Z)

Choose a topic to tell us about.  Please do not share a topic we already discuss such as a favorite toy.  Some topic suggestions are listed below:




- food (how to make something)

- careers

- travel 

- insects (etc.)

Please have a display or props ready to share with us during your presentation.  

 Thank you. It’s going to be a great year!


Mrs. Jordan