Seniors-Graduation Info

Info pertaining to Adobe Creative Cloud

With graduation almost here, you’ll want to take your Adobe Creative Cloud assets with you so you have ongoing access to your creative work and web portfolios — and you can showcase your work to future employers.

It’s easy to migrate your Creative Cloud assets to a new Creative Cloud free membership account. The Creative Cloud free membership includes trial versions of most of Adobe’s creative apps, and you can easily upgrade to get full versions of all the apps and services that were included in your school account.

Take the steps outlined here so you can take your assets with you —

What are assets?

Creative Cloud assets are anything that's stored within your Creative Cloud. You can view your assets by signing in at These instructions do not apply to anything that's stored in your Y: drive, the student commons folder, or Google Drive.

I see that the free Adobe account only provides 2GB of free storage. I have more than that. Will I lose my files?

No. Even though the free Adobe account is limited to 2GB of storage, all of your assets will be migrated over. The caveat to this is that you won't be able to add anything else to your cloud unless you upgrade to a paid account.

Do I need to do this right away?

No. In fact, we recommend waiting until after you graduate. We keep your @student email address active for 1 month after graduation. Once you begin the asset migration process, it cannot be reversed. Assets that were in your education account will be migrated over to your new free personal account. There's no going back.

I already have a personal Adobe account. Can I migrate my assets there?

No. Unfortunately, at this time, Adobe requires a new account to be created.

At the login page, I don't see a sign in with Google button.

Type out your full email address for the username. At the next screen, click that you're using a school account and it will redirect you to the Google sign in page.

Does this mean that I will get free access to the Creative Cloud suite including Photoshop?

No. This is simply a way to transfer your assets to a non-school account. After we deactivate your account, you will lose licensing for the Creative Cloud suite. You can easily download these files for future use if you plan on subscribing to Creative Cloud after high school.

Info pertaining to your Google account

What happens to my Google account?

We keep your account alive for 1 month after graduation. We encourage you to download any Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, etc. and store them on your computer. In addition, be sure to update any contacts that your account will be disabled and that you'll no longer be able to receive emails at this address.

How do I download the stuff in my Drive?

You can download files individually. Or, perhaps a lot simpler, you could add all of the files/folders to a new folder. Right click on that new folder and download it.