IEP Progress Reports

IEP Progress Reports are given on a quarterly basis (4 times per year). This is my chance to communicate with parents on their child's progress towards their IEP goals. Below you will see the rubric that is used to measure your child's progress for each goal. Please sign the front of the progress report envelope in the space that is provided for that quarter. Then, have your child return it to me at their earliest convenience.


A – Achieved – The student has achieved the goal

PS – Progressing Satisfactorily – The student is making satisfactory progress and is expected to achieve the goal.

PG – Progressing Gradually – The student is making less than anticipated progress but may still achieve the goal

PI – Progressing Inconsistently – The student is making inconsistent progress and may not achieve goal.

NA – Not Achieved – The student has not achieved the goal.

SC – See Comments