Sight Reading Factory

Below please find the following:

The student SRF code for 2023-24 is wqp4hm 

Directions on how to register a new account - Grade 6 Chorus only

Directions on how to renew an existing account - Grade 7 & 8 Chorus and Vocal Ensemble

Grading Policy & Extra help - see below

What is Sight Reading Factory? - see below

Support link

Sight Reading Factory - Grading policies

There are only a total of three (3) assignments due per semester. Students should complete assignments in a timely fashion, DO NOT wait until the day an assignment is due to submit it. If you have trouble remembering your login, etc. it may be difficult for you to contact me the same day an assignment is due. Since singers have more than a month to complete each assignment, these assignments should be submitted on time. SRF can be used on ANY device, not just your Chromebook. Look at the assignment *due dates and plan ahead as you would for an assignment in any other class.

When your voice is feeling healthy, and you are not sick or run down is a good time to get the assignments in. However, since I am not evaluating the quality of your singing voice but rather the rhythms, solfege syllables and pitches that are in each example you do not have to be in “perfect” singing voice.

Grading Policy:

For the first month an assignment is late, 5 points will be deducted. Assignments completed in subsequent months lose an additional 5 points per month. 

Example: Assignment due October 20th

Submitted before or on the due date: October 20th = maximum score of 100/100

Submitted date of October 21st = maximum score of 90/100

Submitted date of November 21st = maximum score of 85/100

Submitted date of December 21st = maximum score of 80/100

The following are NOT EXCUSABLE reasons for late assignments:

Extra help:

I offer extra help to work with you on this important skill and/or you can ask for a pass during your lunch if you prefer. Speak with me at the end of rehearsal or send me an email if you’d like to attend extra help. There is an area in the music wing for you to use for practice, ask for a pass during lunch and come down. Just five or ten minutes a day can make a huge difference in improving your ability. This program is meant to boost your skills as a singer. With time, effort and patience you will see positive results. My job is to help YOU be successful - please ask for help when you need it!

Makeup melody:

What is the “Makeup melody?” This can be completed in lieu of a missing assignment (which receives a “0” grade) OR to receive a higher grade for a previously completed assignment. For example, if you receive a 90 on melody #3 and a 95 on the makeup melody, I will change the lower grade (90) to a 95. Be aware that there is only one makeup melody per semester.

*Refer to the assignment schedule page for due dates on the Google Classroom.

What is Sight Reading Factory?

How many students actually have the resources to practice the very important skill of sight reading on their own? Very few have spare sheet music lying around that they have never read before that they can use for sight reading. But almost all students have access to a computer, tablet, Chromebook or smartphone. Using any of those devices, students have at their fingertips a virtually unlimited supply of sight-reading material at that can be customized exactly to their needs. Student Accounts offer a way for the educator to give their students access to use Sight Reading Factory® on their own on any device that has an internet connection.

Some benefits to having student accounts include:

Assignments and Recording 

Educators can organize students into classes and create assignments for their students. Students complete these assignments by recording themselves performing a sight-reading exercise and then submitting it back to their teacher. The teacher can then see the music the student performed, listen to their recording, and give a grade and/or comments.

Teacher Assessment

The accounts for the educator and students are also linked so that the educator can track usage, monitor progress, and give assignments for assessments. The accounts give students unlimited access to Sight Reading Factory® for one (1) year and a way to practice the very important skill of sight reading on their own. 


Note: Students can complete Sight Reading Factory assignments on laptops, desktops, Chromebooks, and other netbooks using modern versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11. Students who wish to take SRF assignments on their iOS device (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) can do so using our free iOS app. Students taking assignments on Android smartphones or tablets can do so through the Chrome browser if the device is running Android version 5.0+ and Chrome version 48+.