About Us

Dr. Esteban Araya

Dr. Araya got his Bachelor's in physics from the Universidad de Costa Rica in 2000, his Master's from the University of Puerto Rico in 2004, and his Ph.D. in astrophysics from New Mexico Tech in 2008. He is currently a professor at Western Illinois University and runs the Astrophysics Research Laboratory.

E-mail: ed-araya@wiu.edu

Jake Lambert

Jake got his Bachelor's in physics from Western Illinois University in 2018 and is currently in his second semester as a Master's student. His research involves the correlated variability of molecular masers in massive star forming regions and writing a program to increase the efficiency of reducing data of these masers.

E-mail: rj-lambert@wiu.edu

Michael Starzyk

Michael received his Bachelor's in Physics from Illinois State University in 2017. He is currently working towards his Master's degree in Physics at Western Illinois University. He has done research on the infrared characterization of a sample of high-mass star forming regions and is currently working on the infrared variability of the same sample of high-mass star forming regions.

E-mail: mh-starzyk@wiu.edu