Demonstrating the use of infrared to look through clouds of gas surrounding star forming regions. Connects to the electromagnetic spectrum as a whole as well as many other astronomical relations.
Demonstrating the use of infrared to look through clouds of gas surrounding star forming regions. Connects to the electromagnetic spectrum as a whole as well as many other astronomical relations.
A gallery of pictures from performing the demos at middle and elementary schools around Illinois.
A gallery of pictures from performing the demos at middle and elementary schools around Illinois.
Contact information for requesting more information about the materials and procedures or requests to have us perform the demos at your school.
Contact information for requesting more information about the materials and procedures or requests to have us perform the demos at your school.
This work has been made possible by partial support from NSF grants AST-1814063 and AST-1814011, and the WIU Physics Department. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.