Collection Development

Collection Development Goals

In addition to general updating of the overall library print collection and periodicals, these specific areas will be targeted during the term of the plan.


  1. The entire library collection undergoes a scheduled weeding annually.

  2. Relabeling the entire child fiction section will be scheduled for 2022-2023.

  3. Update and Purchase of Award Books: Caldecott, Newbery, Michael Printz, and others. The library is continuing to address this annually as new awards are presented yearly.

  4. Update the US History Collection, United States, and Countries of the World, (2022-2025)

  5. Update Junior Fiction and Young Adult (2025)

  6. Continue to update audio book collection with both CD and MP3-CD formats by 10% each year.


  1. Weed the fiction picture-book section. Selectively order to update materials. (2022-2023)

  2. Review and update periodical purchases for students and staff. (Annually)

  3. Continue to update the audio book collection with both CD and MP3-CD formats, adding an additional books.

  4. The entire library collection undergoes a scheduled weeding annually.


  1. Continued weeding of entire Nonfiction Collection

  2. Light weeding of Fiction (Annually)

  3. Student/Staff Requests for purchases (ongoing)

  4. Continued Weeding of Biography Section as this changes often

  5. Create an updated and relevant audio book collection. Checkout of digital books has been minimal but we intend to increase this inventory minimally in the event remote learning becomes necessary in the future.

  6. Organize fiction according to genre (2023-2024)

  7. Purchasing Plan to update Nonfiction:

2023: Cooking, Arts

2024: Crafts

2025: Animals, Sports