TK-2 SEL Lesson Overviews

Welcome back! I am looking forward to continuing to support all of our WISH students in their social emotional growth this year through our monthly SEL Lessons. We will be having  some Counseling Interns this year from LMU supporting as well on campus this year.  Please check this page regularly to see what lessons are going on in your child's class this year and to continue the conversations and support at home.  

2023-2024 SEL Lessons 

No August SEL Lesson- 

We did not have any SEL lessons this month as we were getting classroom and school systems in place for all students. 

September SEL Lesson- 

TK Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and the Counseling Interns

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Mariela Galvez (to learn more about Ms. Mariela, please see link at the top of the page.  Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

In TK and Kinder  students will learn what a School Counselor does through the use of Mrs. Potato Head and  do a coloring page to reflect what we talked about in TK and in Kinder students will get to share All About themselves with us. 

What Does a School Counselor Do.pdf

1st and 2nd Grade Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and Ms. Mariela

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Mariela Galvez (to learn more about Ms. Mariela, please see link at the top of the page.  Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

In first and second grade  students will learn what a School Counselor does through our Meet Your School Counselor presentation and  then students will get to share All About themselves with us. 

ES Meet Your School Counselor (All About Me)

October SEL Lesson- 

TK Lesson: Stick & Stone

This month we are recognizing the importance of friendship and what qualities can make good friends. Students will hear a story called Stick and Stone by Beth Ferry. We will take a look at how Stick and Stone meet and learn  how to be a good friend and more importantly figure out how they can be there to help each other when they meet challenges. Students will think about what they can do to be a good friend to someone else. Hope they bring it home to share with you. 

Kinder Lesson: A Little Spot of Making Friends

This month in Kindergarten, students learned about how to make friends through the read aloud, A Litlte Book About Friendship. Students learned about the different skills that are needed in order to make a new friend. Students also got to practice introducing themselves to each other in class by playing Making a Friend BINGO. 

1st Grade: Peanut Butter and Cupcake

This month in First Grade, students learned about how to make friends through the read aloud, Peanut Butter and Cupcake by Terry Border.  Students will take time to talk about what friends are, what makes a good friend, and look at how Peanut Butter and Cupcake connect to become friends.  Students will then think about what makes them a good friend and decorate their own cupcakes with sprinkles to show how they are a good friend. 

2nd Grade Lesson: A Little Spot of Belonging

This month in 2nd Grade, students learned about how to make friends and feeling like you belong through the read aloud, A Little Spot of Belonging by Diane Allber. Students learned about the different skills that are needed in order to make a new friend, like eye contact, having common interests, smiling, saying hello, introducing themselves and asking the other person their name, and ways in which they belong their the world around them.  Students will reflect and think about how liking ourselves helps to make us a good friend. 

November SEL Lesson- Self Control 

TK Lesson: Self Control with Cookie Monster and the Star S'Mores Crew

In TK, students will learn about what self control is and how we can use it to be successful in our lives. Students will watch Cookie Monster and the Star S'Mores Crew embark on a quest to find a way to help Cookie Monster control his need to eat cookies. We will practice having self control by playing Freeze Dance during our lesson this month. 

Kinder Lesson: Self Control with Clark the Shark

In Kinder, students will learn about what self control is and how we can use it to be successful in our lives. Students will watch the read aloud about the Clark the Shark and look at ways that Clark is able to use his self control to make better choices with his friends. We will practice having self control by playing Freeze Dance during our lesson this month. We wrapped up our lesson with practicing self control by playing Freeze Dance. 

Kinder- November SEL

1st Grade Lesson: Self Control with the Impulsive Ninja

In first grade, students will learn about what self control is and how we can use it to be successful in our lives. Students will watch the read aloud about the Impulsive Ninja and watch how he learns to use his Pause Button to be able to use his self control to make better choices with his friends and family.  We wrapped up our lesson with practicing self control by playing Freeze Dance. 

1st Grade- November SEL

2nd Grade Lesson: Self Control: What if Everybody Did That

In second grade, students will learn about what self control is and how we can use it to be successful in our lives. Students will watch the read aloud called What if Everybody Did That and look at what can happen if we didn't' Pause, Think and Act before doing something and saying something. We wrapped up our lesson with practicing self control by playing Simon Says. 

December SEL Lesson- Diversity and Inclusion

TK Lesson : It's OK to Be Different

For the month of December, we will be talking about what Diversity and Inclusion is. Students will hear the story, It's OK To Be Different by Sharon Purtill. Students will make connections of what things they have in common or things that they don't have in common with their classmates and create their own unique rainbows to showcase who they are. Please have your child share their Unique Rainbows with you and continue to celebrate that we are all unique and special and how awesome that is!

Kinder Lesson : Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December, kindergarteners will be learning about diversity through the read aloud story, The Life of a S'more by Kris Taft Miller. We will celebrate our differences in a sweet simple way through the life of a marshmallow who dreams of being a s'more. Through this story, students will see how different things can all work together to make something amazing, called a s'more! Students started working on their S'mores Activity Packet. Please have your child share their activity packet with you and continue the conversation about how our differences are special and unique with the Life of a S'more.

1st Grade Lesson : Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December,  first grade will be learning about diversity through the read aloud story, All are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold and Suzana Kaufman. We will  talk about what makes us different and what makes similar. We will compare these things and find out if we really like being unique or would we rather be the same! Students will create their own Unique Puzzle to celebrate their own uniqueness! 

2nd Grade Lesson : Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December,  second grade will be learning about diversity through the read aloud story, Teach Your Dragon about Diversity by Steve Herman. We will  talk about what makes us different and what makes similar. We will compare these things and find out if we really like being unique or would we rather be the same! Students will create their own Unique Puzzle to celebrate their own uniqueness! 

January SEL Lesson- Celebrating Kindness 

TK-Kinder: Kindness Starts With You  

This month we will be focusing on Kindness as we conclude the month with our annual participation in the Great Kindness Challenge. In TK, we will read a story called Kindness Starts With You and learn just how easy it is to spread kindness! We will make connections to things that we may have done that was kind. Students will color a Kindness page of their choice and try to practice saying the positive message to someone or to themselves. 

1st Grade: A Little Spot of Kindness

All students will read along to the story A Little Spot of Kindness by Diane Alber and how to treat others and themselves with kindness and how kindness is such an important character trait to have. We will try to make connections about what ways they can show kindness to themselves and others, and students will create A Little Spot pop up kindness cards to give to someone to show kindness and/or to themself to remind them how to be kind. 

2nd Grade: Kindness Snippet Jar

All students will read along to the story Kindness Snippet Jar by Diane Alber and how to treat others and themselves with kindness and how kindness is such an important character trait to have. We will try to make connections about what ways they can show kindness to themselves and others, and students will create their own Kindness Jar to add snippets of Kind Acts that they do during the week. 

Kindness Snippet Jar 2.pdf

February SEL Lesson- Problem Solving 

TK- Slumberkins, Hammerhead

This month we are focusing on conflict resolution through the Slumberkins story, Hammerhead. Students will learn how Hammerhead calms down when he is met with a problem on the playground. Students will also do a guided drawing of Hammerhead's head and learn the Hammerhead breathing technique.  Students will be able to use their Hammerhead drawing to practice the breathing technique to help them calm down when they have a challenge before they try to solve it.  We also learned Hammerhead's affirmation from the story. 

Hammerhead Packet.pdf

Kindergarten- Peace Path

In Kindergarten, students will be looking at what is conflict and how to solve a conflict with others. We will be watching a couple videos about conflict and ways to solve a problem. Students will then follow in Chilli and Busters footprints to talk about how to solve a problem using a Peace Path and will get time to practice what to say to each other, find a solution to the problem and agree to try to use the strategies/solutions.  Students will be able to have their very own Peace Path visual to help them pracitice solving problems that they may encounter when they are at school. 

February- Kinder Problem Solving

1st Grade: Problem Solving Skills

In 1st and 2nd grade classes, students will about the different types of problems that can happen in our day.  Students will identify the difference between a green, yellow and red light problems. They will then watch a Pixar Short L.O.U. and talk about some of the different problems that happened in the video  and how the problems were resolved.  Students will then take some time to practice identifying green, yellow, and red light problems and then put it altogether to see what they remember by identifying the type of problem and a reaction that can happen based on the given problem. 

Feb- 1st Grade Problem Solving

2nd Grade: Problem Solving Skills

In 2nd Grade, students will be talking about what is conflict or a problem. They will be watching a video book called A Bug and A Wish and making connections about what the message of the story is and how they can use that to help them work through their own problems/conflict. Students will then practice what they have learned about conflict with some conflict scenarios and then work on recognizing something that may "bug" them and something they "wish" could happen instead.  Please connect with your child to see what their bug and wish are and how you may be able to continue supporting them.

Feb-2nd Grade: Conflict Resolution
Feb_ 2nd Grade Activity.pdf

March SEL Lesson- Growth Mindset

TK- Slumberkins,  Narwhal

This month we are focusing on having a growth mindset through the Slumberkins story, Narwhal. Students will learn how Narwhal uses a growth mindset to take on a big challenge in his ocean home and also ends up needing to ask others for help because his challenge is far too big for him to take on by himself. Students will also do a guided drawing of Narwhal's head and a Narwhal coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We also learned Narwhals's affirmation from the story. 

Kindergarten- The Magical Yet

In Kindergarten, we will be reading "The Magical Yet" and learning about not giving up on trying something new, EVEN when it may seem impossible! We will talk about how the main character tried to ride their bike for the first time and it felt too hard and that we all hold a "magical yet" in each of us to keep persevering through challenges and that if we remember our magical yet, we too, can do anything we put our minds to! Students will be taking time to think about their own challenges and how they pushed through and found out that they could actually achieve it! Please check in with your child to see how they can remember to use their magical yet, when they are faced with challenges. 

March: Kinder-The Magical Yet

1st Grade: Bubble Gum Brain

In  1st  grade, students will be learning about what it means to have a Growth Mindset. They will look at how it feels to make a mistake and how it feels to learn something new for the first time. We will then read the story, "Bubble Gum Brain" and see how Bubble Gum Brain and Brick Brain have two different ways that they see a challenge, handle a challenge and face a challenge. Students will then get to think about something they want to get better at and what they can do to have a Bubble Gum Brain. 

2nd Grade: A Little Spot of Flexible Thinking

In 2nd grade, students will be taking the time to read along with the story "A Little Spot of Flexible Thinking" where they will learn the differences between having a rigid versus flexible mindset. Students will learn how being flexible in their thinking can  help them meet the challenges of something that seems "impossible!" Students will learn different strategies from the Little Spot of Flexible Thinking to let their thoughts about challenge bend and sway instead of staying stuck in believing that there is no way to have success. Students will think about four different positive sayings or words they can use to remind themselves to be flexible as they create their own positive affirmation flexible palm tree.  Please check in with your child about their flexible palm tree and how they can remember to use these sayings when they experience challenging things or feelings.

April SEL Lesson- Self Esteem

TK- Slumberkins, Unicorn

This month we will learn what the word Self Esteem means through the Slumberkins story, Unicorn. Students will learn about Unicorn and her differences and how she tries to join some friends at the Zoo and realizes in the end that she misses being herself and showing off all of her differences. Students will also do a guided drawing of Unicorn's head and a Unicorn coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We also learned Unicorn's affirmation from the story and students will be bringing home thier unicorn packet to continue exploring their uniqueness and celebrate them!

Kindergarten- It's the Dough Inside that Counts

In Kindergarten, we will be going back to Darla's Bakery Shop to read the story, "It's the Dough Inside that Counts" and learn about the word Self Esteem and what it means and compare how the main character, Glaze didn't think they were as good as his other donut friends because he was just a plain glaze donut and couldn't compete with Sprink Sprinkles, Choco, Crum or Mrs. Bacone! In the end, Glaze realizes that it doesn't matter what we look like on the outside or what we wear, but what really counts is who we are on the inside that makes us amazing and we should always celebrate our own individualities. Students will get to create their own donut and add the special qualities about what they believe makes them special!

1st Grade: Self Esteem Lesson and the Perfectly Perfect!

In first grade, students will be learning about self esteem and learn that there is two types of self esteem- 1. high self esteem and 2. low self esteem. Students will  watch the story Perfectly Perfect, and pay attention to what postive comments the main character shares with herself and how this changes her confidence in the beginning of the story to the end of the story. Students will then reflect on what makes them  love themselves by doing their own I Love Myself Hearts that show their likes, interests and things that make them perfectly perfect! Please ask your child about their I Love Myself Hearts and have them share with you what the different colors mean and why they picked those things.

2nd Grade: Self Esteem Lesson and Self Portraits

In 2nd grade, students will review what self esteem is and why it is important. Students will then talk about what makes them special and amazng and what are some ways they can increase their self esteem through positive self talk. Students will then take time creating a self portrait of themselves where they will be able to showcase the parts about themselves that they love, as well as their interests and hobbies. 

May SEL Lesson- Transitioning to a New Year 

This will be our last SEL lesson for the 2023-2024 school year as we only have one week in the month of June before school let's out for summer break. 

TK Slumberkins- Dragon

As we close the school year and celebrate all people, everyone will learn about being creative from our Slumberkin's story about Dragon. Through Dragon's story, students will learn how Dragon is curious about all the things around them and how they use their creativity to spark their imagination and invent something magical and new. Students will also do a guided drawing of Dragon's head and a Dragon coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We will also learn Dragon's affirmation from the story.  Since this is our last story, students will be bringing home a Dragon Science Journal with easy to do science experiments at home this summer! 

We are all so proud of how much the TK kiddos learned this year through our monthly SEL lessons!

Kindergarten- Good Bye for Now

As we close the school year and celebrate all the hard work students have done this school year, we will be reading a story called, Good Bye for Now by Madison Rowe and Diana McDermott which talks about all the fun memories that happened this year in their class and grade, along with how it made them feel; and what things they may miss about this year, but also look forward to the fun and exciting things that will be happening next year! Students will then create their own little Memory Book about Kindergarten. 

EndoftheYearMemoryBookEndoftheYearActivitiesLastDayofSchool-1 (2).pdf

1st Grade SEL:  Transition and Moving Up to 2nd Grade

In 1st Grade, we will be talking about what are transitions, what does that mean overall, and more specifically with transitioning to 2nd grade. We will be taking time to talk  about what they learned this school year, what feelings they are having about ending the year, what things they are looking forward to in summer and in the new school year. Students will then take time to reflect on the school year and create their own Moving Up and Moving On activity to commemorate all of their hardwork this past school year. 

May SEL- 1st Grade Transition

2nd Grade SEL:  Transition and Moving Up to 3rd Grade

In 2nd Grade, we will be talking about what are transitions, what does that mean overall, and more specifically with transitioning to 3rd grade. We will be taking time to talk  about what they learned this school year, what feelings they are having about ending the year, what things they are looking forward to in summer and in the new school year. Students will then take time to reflect on the school year and create their own Transition Mini Book to think about tools they can use as they transition to the next grade and become aware of what they may be feeling. Please check in with your 2nd grader to see how they are feeling about moving on and what tools they can use to help them with some of those feelings. 

June SEL Lesson- No SEL Lessons this month, but we WISH all of you a restful, fun and Happy SUMMER BREAK!

Here is a family SEL toolkit to continue talking about social emotional learning throughout the summer months while everyone is together and spending more family time together. I have also added the WCA Counseling Presentation that has A LOT of links and resources for books and videos in different topics on Slides 15-37!

Summer SEL Toolkit for Families 2024-merged-compressed.pdf
2023 WCA presentation- Social Emotional Health and Well-BeingWell

2022-2023 SEL Lessons 

August SEL Lesson- 

TK Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and the Counseling Interns

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Bunny Saavedra and Mr. Anthony Barros (to find out more about them, please see link above). Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

In TK  students will learn what a School Counselor does through the use of Mrs. Potato Head and color a page to reflect what we talked about.

Kinder Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and the Counseling Interns

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Bunny Saavedra and Mr. Anthony Barros (to find out more about them, please see link above). Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

 In Kindergarten, students will listen to a read aloud called Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives and create an All About Me page to share what their favorite things and a little about who they are.

1st Grade Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and the Counseling Interns

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Bunny Saavedra and Mr. Anthony Barros (to find out more about them, please see link above). Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

In 1st Grade, students will listen to a read aloud called What Exactly do School Counselors Do? and create an All About Me page to share what their favorite things and a little about who they are.

2nd Grade Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha  and the Counseling Interns

This month and next, we will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Bunny Saavedra and Mr. Anthony Barros (to find out more about them, please see link above). Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  

In 2nd grade, students will be reviewing the role of the School Counselors and students will also be introduced to our two LMU Counseling Interns, Ms. Bunny Saavedra and Mr. Anthony Barros (to find out more about them, please see link above). Students will also learn about where to find me and the counseling interns along with how to request to talk to one of us if anyone may need our help and support.  Students will also create an All About Me page to share what their favorite things and a little about who they are. 

ES Meet Your School Counselor (Potato Head/All About Me)

September SEL Lesson- 

TK Lesson: Slumberkins: Creatures Full of Feelings

This month, TK students were introduced to the world of Slumberkin creatures and identified different emotions through a short story. Students learned that it is OK to feel all emotions, along with how to tell when someone else may be feeling different emotions based on their facial expressions. Students were then given time to color the Slumberkins creatures from the story. 

Kinder Lesson: A Little Scribble Spot

This month, Kinder students were introduced to A Little Scribble Spot. Students learned what emotions we may experience and how sometimes are emotions can get all tangled up and we may not know how we are feeling. Students learned different emotion vocabulary associated with the more common feeling words, along with how one can express these common feelings through drawings. Kinder students created their own tangled spot and unraveled spot of colors and were able to decorate their very own scribble spot crayon with stickers. 


1st & 2nd Grade Lesson: A Little Spot of Feelings

This month, 1st and 2nd Grade students learned about A Little Spot of Feelings and became emotion detectives by learning about how emotions are expressed on our faces, through our body language and tone of voice. Students then were able to create their own book about their emotions called, What Spot Am I Feeling?

October SEL Lesson-  

TK Lesson: Making Friendship is an Art 

This month we are recognizing the importance of friendship and what qualities can make good friends. Students will hear a story called Making Friends is an Art by Julia Cook. We will take a look at how Brown crayon needs to figure out how to be a good friend and more importantly figure out what he likes about himself so that he can start to be a better friend to all the other colors in the box. Students will then draw and color what they like about themselves. Hope they bring it home to share with you. 

Kinder and 1st Grade Lesson: A Little Spot of Making Friends

This month in Kindergarten, students learned about how to make friends through the read aloud, A Little Spot of Making Friends by Diane Allber. Students learned about the different skills that are needed in order to make a new friend, like eye contact, having common interests, smiling, saying hello, introducing themselves and asking the other person their name, etc. Students got to practice introducing themselves to each other in class by playing Making a Friend BINGO. 

K-1st Make a Friend BINGO.pdf

2nd Grade Lesson: A Little Spot of Belonging

This month in 2nd Grade, students learned about how to make friends and feeling like you belong through the read aloud, A Little Spot of Belonging by Diane Allber. Students learned about the different skills that are needed in order to make a new friend, like eye contact, having common interests, smiling, saying hello, introducing themselves and asking the other person their name, and ways in which they belong their the world around them. Students got to practice introducing themselves to each other in class by playing Making a Friend BINGO. 

K-1st Make a Friend BINGO.pdf

November SEL Lesson-  

TK Lesson: Slumberkins: Honey Bear

For the month of November,  we will be focusing on "What is Gratitude?" We will be talking about what it means to be grateful and reading a story about gratitude from Slumberkins, called Honey Bear.  Students will do a guided drawing of Honey Bear and will have a coloring page to work on with Honey Bear's affirmation: "I have all I need. There are gifts all around. I'm grateful in my heart. For the love I have found."  Students will also be bringing home a Honey Bear coloring packet, "The World is Full of Wonderful Things" to do at home. 

Slumberkins- Honey Bear .pdf

Kinder Lesson: A Little Thankful Spot

In Kindergarten, students will be continuing to learn with A Little Spot read aloud focusing on Thankful Spot. Students will learn about what gratitude is and how we can be grateful for so many things around us and in our lives. We will also learn about how being thankful can actually make us feel happier! Students will be creating their very own Turkey Gratitude Books to bring home to continue reflecting about all the things they are grateful for.  I know that they will be excited to show you what they were able to make!

1st and 2nd Grade Lesson: Gratitude

In 1st and 2nd Grade, students will think about what gratitude is and what may be something they are grateful for! Students will also do a read aloud called Gratitude is my Superpower! Students will be creating their very own Turkey Gratitude Books to bring home to continue reflecting about all the things they are grateful for.  I know that they will be excited to show you what they were able to make!

December SEL Lesson- Diversity & Inclusion  

TK: It's OK to Be Different

For the month of December, we will be talking about what Diversity and Inclusion is. Students will hear the story, It's OK To Be Different by Sharon Purtill. Students will make connections of what things they have in common or things that they don't have in common with their classmates and create their own unique rainbows to showcase who they are. Please have your child share their Unique Rainbows with you and continue to celebrate that we are all unique and special and how awesome that is!

Kindergarten: Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December, kindergarteners will be learning about diversity through the read aloud story, The Life of a S'more by Kris Taft Miller. We will celebrate our differences in a sweet simple way through the life of a marshmallow who dreams of being a s'more. Through this story, students will see how different things can all work together to make something amazing, called a s'more! Students will be coloring a book marker to take home  and remind them about how we are alike, different and can respect each other and all work together! Please have your child share their book marker with you and continue the conversation about how our differences are special and unique with the Life of a S'more coloring and activity booklet. 

1st and 2nd Grade: Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December, we will be focusing on what diversity and inclusion mean. We will be taking a look at what things we have in common or things that they don't have in common with each other. Students will showcase their culture and their traditions and share it with their classmates to learn about each other's culture and traditions. Please have your child share how they see their culture and their traditions with you and continue the conversation about how our differences are special and unique

1st-2nd Grade SEL Diversity Inclusion
My Culture & Traditions (1-2).pdf

January SEL Lesson-  KINDNESS

TK: Kindness Starts With You  

This month we will be focusing on Kindness as we conclude the month with our annual participation in the Great Kindness Challenge. In TK, we will read a story called Kindness Starts With You and learn just how easy it is to spread kindness! We will make connections to things that we may have done that was kind. Students will color a Kindness page of their choice and try to practice saying the positive message to someone or to themselves. 

Kindergarten: Sprinkled with Kindness

 In Kinder, we will read a story called, Sprinkled With Kindness and see how to treat others with kindness and learn about the golden-brown rule according to the Donuts at Darla's Donut Village. We will make connections to things that we may have done that was kind. Students will create their very own Kindness Donut, where they will sprinkle ways to show kindness to others. I hope that your child(ren) will be excited to share with you their Kindness Donut. 

1st Grade: A Little Spot of Kindness

All students will read along to the story A Little Spot of Kindness by Diane Alber and how to treat others and themselves with kindness and how kindness is such an important character trait to have. We will try to make connections about what ways they can show kindness to themselves and others, and students will create A Little Spot pop up kindness cards to give to someone to show kindness and/or to themself to remind them how to be kind. 

2nd Grade: Kindness Snippet Jar

All students will read along to the story Kindness Snippet Jar by Diane Alber and how to treat others and themselves with kindness and how kindness is such an important character trait to have. We will try to make connections about what ways they can show kindness to themselves and others, and students will create Snippet Mosaic of ways to show kindness to others. 

TK- Slumberkins, Hammerhead

This month we are focusing on conflict resolution through the Slumberkins story, Hammerhead. Students will learn how Hammerhead calms down when he is met with a problem on the playground. Students will also do a guided drawing of Hammerhead's head and learn the Hammerhead breathing technique.  Students will be able to use their Hammerhead drawing to practice the breathing technique to help them calm down when they have a challenge before they try to solve it.  We also learned Hammerhead's affirmation from the story. 

Kindergarten- Peace Path

In Kindergarten, students will be looking at what is conflict and how to solve a conflict with others. We will be watching a couple videos about conflict and ways to solve a problem. Students will then follow in Chilli and Busters footprints to talk about how to solve a problem using a Peace Path and will get time to practice what to say to each other, find a solution to the problem and agree to try to use the strategies/solutions.  Students will be able to have their very own Peace Path visual to help them pracitice solving problems that they may encounter when they are at school. 

February- Kinder Problem Solving

1st & 2nd Grade: Problem Solving Skills

In 1st and 2nd grade classes, students will about the different types of problems that can happen in our day.  Students will identify the difference between a green, yellow and red light problems. They will then watch a Pixar Short L.O.U. and talk about some of the different problems that happened in the video  and how the problems were resolved.  Students will then take some time to practice identifying green, yellow, and red light problems and then put it altogether to see what they remember by identifying the type of problem and a reaction that can happen based on the given problem. 

1st & 2nd Grade Problem Solving


TK- Slumberkins, Hammerhead

This month we are focusing on having a growth mindset through the Slumberkins story, Narwhal. Students will learn how Narwhal uses a growth mindset to take on a big challenge in his ocean home and also ends up needing to ask others for help because his challenge is far too big for him to take on by himself. Students will also do a guided drawing of Narwhal's head and a Narwhal coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We also learned Narwhals's affirmation from the story. 

Kindergarten- The Magical Yet

In Kindergarten, we will be reading "The Magical Yet" and learning about not giving up on trying something new, EVEN when it may seem impossible! We will talk about how the main character tried to ride their bike for the first time and it felt too hard and that we all hold a "magical yet" in each of us to keep persevering through challenges and that if we remember our magical yet, we too, can do anything we put our minds to! Students will be taking time to think about their own challenges and how they pushed through and found out that they could actually achieve it! Please check in with your child to see how they can remember to use their magical yet, when they are faced with challenges. 

March: Kinder-The Magical Yet

1st and 2nd Grade: A Little Spot of Flexible Thinking

In 1st and 2nd grade, students will be taking the time to read along with the story "A Little Spot of Flexible Thinking" where they will learn the differences between having a rigid versus flexible mindset. Students will learn how being flexible in their thinking can  help them meet the challenges of something that seems "impossible!" Students will learn different strategies from the Little Spot of Flexible Thinking to let their thoughts about challenge bend and sway instead of staying stuck in believing that there is no way to have success. Students will think about four different positive sayings or words they can use to remind themselves to be flexible as they create their own positive affirmation flexible palm tree.  Please check in with your child about their flexible palm tree and how they can remember to use these sayings when they experience challenging things or feelings.

April SEL Lesson-  SELF ESTEEM

TK- Slumberkins, Unicorn

This month we will learn what the word Self Esteem means through the Slumberkins story, Unicorn. Students will learn about Unicorn and her differences and how she tries to join some friends at the Zoo and realizes in the end that she misses being herself and showing off all of her differences. Students will also do a guided drawing of Unicorn's head and a Unicorn coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We also learned Unicorn's affirmation from the story and students will be bringing home thier unicorn packet to continue exploring their uniqueness and celebrate them!

Kindergarten- It's the Dough Inside that Counts

In Kindergarten, we will be going back to Darla's Bakery Shop to read the story, "It's the Dough Inside that Counts" and learn about the word Self Esteem and what it means and compare how the main character, Glaze didn't think they were as good as his other donut friends because he was just a plain glaze donut and couldn't compete with Sprink Sprinkles, Choco, Crum or Mrs. Bacone! In the end, Glaze realizes that it doesn't matter what we look like on the outside or what we wear, but what really counts is who we are on the inside that makes us amazing and we should always celebrate our own individualities. Students will get to create their own donut and add the special qualities about what they believe makes them special!

1st Grade: Self Esteem

This month, students will be learning about what Self Esteem is, what is high and low self esteem along with how everyone is special and unique in their own way and how this makes our world even more amazing! Students will take the time to express how they can increase their self esteem and take time to recognize just why they should love themselves through the "I Love Myself activity." I hope that you will be able to see your child's work and that your child will be able to talk about what makes them so amazing!

1st-2nd Grade April SEL Lesson: Self Esteem

2nd Grade: The Smart Cookie

In 2nd grade, students will read along with the story "The Smart Cookie"  and watch a Pixar short called "Boudin. Students will learn about what Self Esteem means and talk about how the characters in both stories felt about themselves at the beginning, middle and end of the stories and then compare how the main characters were similar. Students will then create their own smart cookie by adding characteristics that make them a smart cookie and how they can shine bright each day by embracing who they are! 

2nd Grade Self-Esteem


Kindergarten- Mindfulness Centers

In Kindergarten, we will be going into the classes twice this month to talk about mindfulness and practice different mindfulness tools to see what could be helpful for them to focus on the present moment. Students will be going through two centers each week. In the first week, student will learn what mindfulness is and practice two tools: A grounding technique through Mindful Seeing by going on a Scavenger Hunt with their sense of sight in the classroom and different breathing strategies and movements to help them to focus on the present space and time. In week two, students will revisit what is mindfulness and then do the last two mindfulness centers to practice Mindful Coloring/Doodling and they will create their own Heartful Bracelet where they will think about a trait that represents them with different color beads and learn how to take the bead on their bracelet and move it from one side to the other and focus on something that they have done showing that characteristic and/or a time when someone showed them that trait, to help them focus on all the great qualities that make them who are they are! We hope that your kiddos will share with you what they learned this month. 


Mindfulness Centers Week #1

Mindfulness Centers Week #2

1st and 2nd Grade: Mindfulness

In 1st and 2nd Grade, Students will be reading along with A Little Spot of Peaceful and looking at how to find their own peaceful spot when they are feeling big emotions because of different challenges that could come up during their day. Students will see how they can find their peaceful spot and tools they can use to help them to relax and find peace, like peaceful coloring, breathing, reading, and music.  Students will practice the Peaceful Spot Pattern of Breathing while using the peaceful affirmation. We hope that students will be able to take some of the ideas that they learned about in this month's lesson to help them find their peaceful spot as we finish up the school year. 

June SEL Lesson-  -COMING SOON-

2021-2022 SEL Lessons 

August SEL Lesson- 

TK-1 Lesson: Meet the School Counselor, Ms. Trisha 

This month, we learned about who I am and what I do with the help of Mrs. Potato Head! Your child was also able to color their very own Ms. Trisha, potato head page. Please ask them to share with you their version of me! I also checked in with each and every student to see how they were feeling about the start of the school year and to learn about some of their favorite things to do! 

2nd Grade Lesson- Meet Your School Counselor, Ms. Trisha 

This month I was able to visit your child's class to share about who I am and a little bit about my role as a School Counselor at WISH. We also checked in to see how they were feeling to be back at school and in person this year and to talk about some of their favorite things to do! 

20-21 ES Meet Your School Counselor

September SEL Lesson- 

TK, Slumberkins, The Feels

This month we will be learning about some of our feelings, including mad, sad, scared, worried and calm through the story called, The Feels. Your child will take a journey with Yeti to meet her feels and help her identify what emotion she is experiencing and what coping skill she can use  to help her calm down . We will be taking some extra time to really understand our calm feel and figure out the best ways to calm down.  To help with learning about Yeti's feels, we will make a feelings wheel and practicing doing our Mountain Breaths to calm down.  Please have your child share with you have to do a mountain breath to calm down.


Kindergarten, Slumberkins, The Feels

This month we will be learning about some of our feelings, including mad, sad, scared, worried and calm through the story called, The Feels. Your child will take a journey with Yeti to meet her feels and help her identify what emotion she is experiencing and what coping skill she can use  to help her calm down . We will be taking some extra time to really understand our mad feel and figure out the best ways to calm down.  To help with learning about Yeti's feels, we made a feelings wheel and to figure out ways to calm down, we talked about what helping skills they can practice when they experiencing their mad feel, and made a Mad Feel card to help remind them of how they can calm their bodies.  


September SEL Lesson- 

1st-2nd Feelings and Coping Skills

This month we will be starting to build our social emotional toolkit. To kick things off, students will be focusing on identifying  their emotions through the help of their very own emotion wheel and then learning what coping skills are and identifying different coping skills to help them when they are experiencing some BIG feelings. Students will be creating their very own coping skills flip book to help them figure out what coping skills would be most helpful to them. Please ask them to share the tools they've created by the end of this month with you. 

1st-2nd SEL September Lesson

October SEL Lessons-

TK: Making Friendship is an Art 

This month we are recognizing the importance of friendship and what qualities can make good friends. Students will hear a story called Making Friends is an Art by Julia Cook. We will take a look at how Brown crayon needs to figure out how to be a good friend and more importantly figure out what he likes about himself so that he can start to be a better friend to all the other colors in the box. Students will then draw and color what they like about themselves. Hope they bring it home to share with you. 

Kindergarten: A Little Spot of Belonging

This month we are recognizing the importance of friendship and belonging. Students will hear a story called A Little Spot of Belonging by Diane Alber. We will take a look at how we belong to different groups and how to make friends through the use of asking questions. We will also talk about how to be a good friend and the importance of liking ourselves before we can be friend someone else. Students will then draw and color what they like about themselves. Hope they bring it home to share with you.

A Little Spot of Belonging Activity.docx

1st-2nd Grade: Friendships and Bullying Prevention and Awareness

This month students will be learning about the importance of friendship and qualities of a good friend versus not a good friend. Students will decipher what fills up a friendship cup and what things empty a friendship cup. Students will also learn about ways to stand up to others who may be unkind to them and through scenarios figuring out what ways they would choose to stand up to others or for others. 

1st-2nd SEL October Lesson

November SEL Lesson: Gratitude 

TK-K: Slumberkins: Honey Bear

For the month of November,  we will be focusing on "What is Gratitude?" We will be talking about what it means to be grateful and reading a story about gratitude from Slumberkins, called Honey Bear. Students will learn what Honey Bear is grateful for and its affirmation, which talks about inviting gratitude into your heart and love into your life. Students will also be creating Gratitude Stones to bring home over the fall break to remind themselves and others what they are grateful for. 

Slumberkins- Honey Bear .pdf

1st-2nd Grade: Gratitude Lesson

For the month of November,  we will be focusing on "What is Gratitude?"  as we also recognize Gratitude Week on 11/15/21 to 11/19/21. We will be talking about what it means to be grateful and listening to a story about gratitude called "A Little Spot of Thankful."  Students will learn about what things they may be grateful for and creating their own Gratitude Stones to bring home over the fall break to remind themselves and others what they are grateful for. 

1st-2nd Gratitude SEL Lesson

December SEL Lesson: Diversity and Inclusion

TK-K: It's OK to Be Different

For the month of December, we will be talking about what Diversity and Inclusion is. Students will hear the story, It's OK To Be Different by Sharon Purtill. Students will make connections of what things they have in common or things that they don't have in common with their classmates and create their own unique rainbows to showcase who they are. Please have your child share their Unique Rainbows with you and continue to celebrate that we are all unique and special and how awesome that is!

1st-2nd Grade: Diversity and Inclusion 

For the month of December, we will be focusing on what diversity and inclusion mean. We will be taking a look at what things we have in common or things that they don't have in common with each other. Students will create their own unique rainbows to showcase who they are. Please have your child share their Unique Rainbows with you and continue to celebrate that we are all unique and special and how awesome that is!

1st-2nd Grade SEL Diversity Inclusion

January SEL Lesson: Kindness 

TK: Kindness Starts With You / Kindergarten: Sprinkled with Kindness

This month we will be focusing on Kindness as we conclude the month with our annual participation in the Great Kindness Challenge. In TK, we will read a story called Kindness Starts With You and learn just how easy it is to spread kindness! In Kinder, we will read a story called, Sprinkled With Kindness and see how to treat others with kindness and learn about the golden-brown rule according to the Donuts at Darla's Donut Village. In each grade, we will make connections to things that we may have done that was kind. Students will color a Kindness page of their choice and try to practice saying the positive message to someone or to themselves. 

1st-2nd Grade: Kindness

This month we will be focusing on Kindness as we conclude the month with our annual participation in the Great Kindness Challenge. In both grades, students will learn what kindness is and how to be kind. They will also learn about what to do when others aren't kind, along with positive affirmations for oneself. Students will color a positive message that they can either give to someone or leave somewhere for someone to find  randomly  at school or around community and create their own positive affirmation to remind themselves to show kindness to themselves.                                           

1st-2nd Grade: January Kindness

February SEL Lesson: Social Problem Solving & Conflict Resolution

TK-Kinder, Slumberkins, Hammerhead

This month we are focusing on conflict resolution through the Slumberkins story, Hammerhead. Students will learn how Hammerhead calms down when he is met with a problem on the playground. Students will also do a guided drawing of Hammerhead's head and learn the Hammerhead breathing technique.  Students will be able to use their Hammerhead drawing to practice the breathing technique to help them calm down when they have a challenge before they try to solve it.  We also learned Hammerhead's affirmation from the story. 

1st-2nd Grade: Social Problem Solving/ Conflict Resolution

This month we are focusing on Social Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution. Students will first learn the importance of how big or small a problem is and how to be a problem detective. Students will watch Mojo the Monster and see how he faces a challenge and overcomes his problem by taking small steps. Students will also learn what conflict is and six different strategies to solve conflict with friends/peers. 

1st-2nd Grade: February SEL Lesson: Social Problem Solving/ Conflict Resolution

March SEL Lesson: Growth Mindset

TK-Kinder, Slumberkins, Narwhal

This month we are focusing on having a growth mindset through the Slumberkins story, Narwhal. Students will learn how Narwhal uses a growth mindset to take on a big challenge in his ocean home and also ends up needing to ask others for help because his challenge is far too big for him to take on by himself. Students will also do a guided drawing of Narwhal's head and a Narwhal coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We also learned Narwhals's affirmation from the story. 

1st-2nd Grade: Growth Mindset

This month, we caught up on Part 2 of February's SEL lesson as I was out for a couple weeks last month. We will be working on what a Growth Mindset and practicing having a Growth Mindset for the last couple weeks of the month. Students will learn about the ways a growth mindset can help and we will read "I am NOT Just a Scribble" by Diane Alber and each student will create their own scribble and have members on their table add something to their scribble to create a piece of art and not just a scribble.  Please ask your child to show your their scribble art when they get home!

1st- 2nd Grade- March SEL Lesson: Growth Mindset

April SEL Lesson: Self Esteem

TK-Kinder, Slumberkins- Unicorn

This month we are focusing on letting our light shine with the Slumberkins story, Unicorn. Through Unicorn's story about figuring out who she is, where she belongs and how to love herself, students will learn what the word self esteem is and how it helps us to feel good about who we are! Students will also do a guided drawing of Unicorn's head and a Unicorn coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We will also learn Unicorn's affirmation from the story. 

Kindergarteners: In addition to the guided drawing and coloring page, each student will be coming home with a Unicorn activity booklet to continue finding the different things that make them special and awesome! 

1st-2nd Grade: Self Esteem

This month, students will be learning about what Self Esteem is, what is high and low self esteem along with how everyone is special and unique in their own way and how this makes our world even more amazing! Students will take the time to express how they can increase their self esteem and take time to recognize just why they should love themselves through the "I Love Myself activity." I hope that you will be able to see your child's work and that your child will be able to talk about what makes them so amazing!

1st-2nd Grade April SEL Lesson: Self Esteem

May SEL Lesson- Mindfulness

TK-Kinder, Slumberkins- Yeti

This month we are focusing being mindful and slowing down to notice things all around us, in the Slumberkins story, Yeti. Through Yeti's story, students will learn how Yeti is always in a hurry and let's most things go unnoticed. She finds out how being mindful can allow her to calm her body and slow down to enjoy the present moment.  Students will also do a guided drawing of Yeti's head and a Yeti coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We will also learn Yeti's affirmation from the story. 

1st-2nd Grade: Mindfulness

This month, students will be learning about what Mindfulness is and how this tool can be helpful as they go through their day. We will be tying together how mindfulness helps us in past SEL lesson, like how to manage big feelings and cope, how to solve problems and social conflicts, have a growth mindset as well as being kind to others and ourselves. Students will learn how to take a mindful breath by learning what "4-7-8" breathing is and practicing it altogether. Students will also learn a grounding technique called Senses Grounding and practice noticing different things based on their five senses. I hope that your student will be able to share what they learned and show you what these different tools are and how they work. 

1st-2nd Grade: May SEL Lesson- Mindfulness

June SEL Lesson- 

TK-Kinder, Slumberkins- Dragon

As we close the school year and celebrate all people, everyone will learn about being creative from our Slumberkin's story about Dragon. Through Dragon's story, students will learn how Dragon is curious about all the things around them and how they use their creativity to spark their imagination and invent something magical and new. Students will also do a guided drawing of Dragon's head and a Dragon coloring page that they can cut out and make into a crown.  We will also learn Yeti's affirmation from the story.  Since this is our last story, students will be bringing home a creative coloring page to create their own Dragon play world in TK and a Dragon Science Journal with easy to do science experiments at home this summer! 

We are all so proud of how much the TK and Kinder kiddos learned this year through our monthly SEL lessons!

1st & 2nd Grade

With the end of the year in full swing with field trips and awesome end of the year activities, May was our last meeting for first and second graders this year. I look forward to seeing everyone back in their new classes and grades as we continue with our monthly SEL lessons.

We are all so proud of how much these first and second graders learned this year through our SEL lessons!