Resources Shared at Past Gatherings

10.23 Art & Motion

Facilitated by Bill & Tori @ Betty Brinn

Activity Prompt: How can we make art with motion? How can we make art making machines?

Bill & Tori gave us a tour of their prototyping space at Betty Brinn, where they were exploring using salad spinners to make spin art, motors to move brushes, and black light to make it more seasonal. They invited us into their prototyping process and we explored making art with magnets, marbles, salad spinners, and more.

05.23 Threads and Things

Facilitated by Mari Oates @ Fermilab

Activity Prompt: How can we use textiles to tell a story? 

04.23 Pliers and Wires

Facilitated by David Wells
Activity Prompt: Create a one-line drawing and then build it with wire.

Suggested Materials:

Wire : Depending on age and project you can use 16 gauge wire or higher. The higher gauge the thinner the wire.

2 pairs of pliers: Any pliers will work but ideally Needle Nose and Small Locking vice pliers work best. Have different sizes depending on your participants.

Wire snips/cutters

Paper / writing utensil

Gloves (aren’t necessary but might be good to have on hand) 

Extension: Use dowels, string, and flashlights for shadow play.

03.23 Will It Float?

Facilitated by Bill Pariso & Tori Pagel at Betty Brinn Children's Museum

Prompt: Can we make something float that also moves on its own? Can we make floating sculptures?

02.23 Shadow Remix

Facilitated by Peter Kirschmann @ UW-Madison

Prompt: What stories, images, and characters do you see in the shadows?

01.23 Scratch Programming

Facilitated by Mari Oates @ Fermilab

Prompt: Let's write some code that does something unexpected!

11.22 Wind Powered Vehicles

Facilitated by Abby Krueger @ Building for Kids Children's Museum

Prompt: What are some different vehicles or objects that move using air? 

10.22 Cardboard Making

Facilitated by Bill Pariso @ Betty Brinn Children's Museum

Prompt: What is your alter ego? If you were to become a superhero what would it be and what would your superpower be?