Wisconsin Science Festival

Two  people stand in the forest, holding field guides to identify species.

Photo Credit: Aquatic Sciences Center 

'Blitzing in your library

What's blooming, flying, hopping, or maybe just growing around you? This fall,  join us for the 2024 WiSciFest Library Bioblitz.  Everyone throughout Wisconsin is welcome to join! 

What is a Bioblitz?

A Bioblitz is an event to observe, identify, and record as many different, non-domesticated species as possible in a given area over a set period of time.  

It's as easy as 1, 2, 3 

When is the Library Bioblitz?

The WiSciFest Bioblitz begins sunrise October 14 and ends sundown October 20, 2024

How Does a Bioblitz Work?

Some quick hints:

Contact askwater@aqua.wisc.edu to be placed on the email list for Library bioblitzing.

Want to learn more?

Photo: Anne Moser
Great Lakes Bioblitz 2024

Orange and pink wildflowers bloom next to the lake.

Photo: Marie Zhuikov
Wisconsin Sea Grant 

A group of students sample sand at the beach.

Photo: Jim Lubner
Wisconsin Sea Grant

Photo: Sam Mulrooney
Wisconsin Science Festival