
Jason with members of the Carol Gross "extended family" at the Gordon Microbial Stress Response Conference! 

Jason, Amy B., and Asma Hatoum-Aslan enjoy ice cream at the Gordon Microbial Stress Response Conference!

Amy E. wins the Jennifer L. Reed Bioenergy Science Award!

Our bioenergy team!

Amy E. and Rodrigo learn to break apples in half with their bare hands at the Wisconsin Energy Institute Showcase!

Our 2023 holiday party!

Our Pied Piper theme for 2023 Bactoberfest!


Peters lab at MMPC 2023 in Chicago (with Huynh Lab)!

Jason and Janice in the lab!

2023 Pottery Painting Fun Thing!

Our Super Smash Bros theme for 2022 Bactoberfest!

2022 Tie-dye day!

2022 Mini-golf Fun Thing!

Our Pokemon theme for 2021 Bactoberfest!

Jason reveals his anime superpower during a Zoom call!

Visit to the Indiana Dunes on our way back from the 2021 MMPC meeting!

2021 Tie-dye day!

The Peters lab in a simulated 1960s Wisconsin living room!

Sometimes bacteria just misbehave . . .

Peters lab 2019 tie dye day!

Peters lab trip to Devil's Lake!

Jennifer and Emily present their award winning poster in the Wisconsin state capitol!

School of Pharmacy pumpkin!

Annika trains E. coli to be a well-rounded bacterium.

Our new lab!