Undergrad Architecture Mentoring (uArch) Workshop

Orlando, FL, USA, Full-Day Workshop
June 18, 2023 in conjunction with ISCA 2023

Mission          Apply           Committee          Past uArch

Thank You!!!



The workshop program for Sunday June 18, 2023 is as follows (all times are in EDT):

7:30 am  - 9:00 am Breakfast

9:00 am  - 9:15 am Welcome

9:15 am - 10:15 am Panel: Life in Grad School

Poulami Das

Georgia Tech

Mariam Elgamal

Harvard University

Gokul Subramanian Ravi

University of Chicago

Joseph Zuckerman

Columbia University

10:15 am - 11:10 am Panel: Life after Grad School

Vidushi Dadu


Hiwot Tadese Kassa


Sabrina M. Neuman

Harvard University

Swamit Tannu

University of Wisconsin-Madison

11:10 am - 11:30 am Break

11:30 am - 12:30 pm Keynote 1

Speaker: Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Google

Title: Living the Good Life: The One-Word Secret to Success

Bio: Parthasarathy (Partha) Ranganathan is currently a VP, technical Fellow at Google where he is the area technical lead for hardware and datacenters, designing systems at scale. Prior to this, he was a HP Fellow and Chief Technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs where he led their research on systems and data centers.  Partha has worked on several interdisciplinary systems projects with broad impact on both academia and industry, including widely-used innovations in energy-aware user interfaces, heterogeneous multi-cores, power-efficient servers, accelerators, and disaggregated and data-centric data centers. He has published extensively (including being the co-author on the popular "Datacenter as a Computer" textbook), is a co-inventor on more than 100 patents, and has been recognized with numerous awards. He has been named a top-15 enterprise technology rock star by Business Insider, one of the top 35 young innovators in the world by MIT Tech Review, and is a recipient of the ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes award, Rice University's Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni award, and the IIT Madras distinguished alumni award. He is also a Fellow of the IEEE and ACM, and is currently on the board of directors for OpenCompute.

12:30 pm  - 2:00 pm Lunch

2:00 pm - 2:45 pm Keynote 2

Speaker: Reetuparna Das, University of Michigan

Title: Never Say Never

Bio: Reetu Das is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan. Prior to this, she was a research scientist at Intel Labs, and the researcher-in-residence for the Center for Future Architectures Research. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Pennsylvania State University, University Park. Some of her recent projects include in-memory architectures, custom computing for precision health and AI, fine-grain heterogeneous core architectures for mobile systems, and low-power scalable interconnects for kilo-core processors. She has authored over 75 papers, filed 7 patents, served on over 40 technical program committees, and served as program co-chair for a flagship computer architecture conference, MICRO-52. She has received two IEEE Top Picks awards, an NSF CAREER award, CRA-W’s Borg Early Career Award, Intel Outstanding Researcher Award, and Sloan Foundation Fellowship. Prof. Das has been inducted into IEEE/ACM MICRO and ISCA Hall of Fame.

2:45 pm - 3:40 pm Panel: Applying to Grad School

Magnus Jahre

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Ulya R. Karpuzcu

University of Minnesota

Jae W. Lee

Seoul National University

Akshitha Sriraman

Carnegie Mellon University

3:40 pm - 4:00 pm Break

4:00 pm - 5:45 pm Office Hours


The Undergraduate Architecture Mentoring (uArch) Workshop is designed to introduce undergraduate and early Master's students to research and career opportunities in the field of computer architecture in particular and graduate school lifestyle and survival skills in general. The program will include technical sessions that cover past, current and future research directions in computer architecture, mentoring sessions that cover how to apply to graduate school and how to navigate the architecture research landscape effectively, and networking sessions that create opportunities for students to interact with their peers and established architects in academia and industry.


The central theme of this workshop is to attract students who are interested in graduate school in computer architecture. To this end, uArch will likely include:


Many faculty mentors will be participating! Last year, selected applicants met with professors from:

Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, College of William and Mary, Cornell University, Duke University, EPFL, Google Brain, IISc Bangalore, KAIST, KMUTNB, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, National University of Singapore, Northeastern University, Ohio State University, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Rochester, Seoul National University, Simon Fraser University, U. Minnesota, UCSC, Univ. of California - Merced, Univ. of California - Riverside, Univ. of California - San Diego, Univ. of California - Santa Barbara, Univ. of California - Santa Cruz, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of British Columbia, University of Edinburgh, University of Murcia, University of Rochester, University of Southern California, University of Toronto, University of Utah, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Uppsala University, Virginia Tech, Yale University 


This workshop targets undergrads, who typically do not have advisors or departmental support to attend conferences. Early Master's students are also eligible to apply, as well as recent graduates who are currently in industry but are planning to apply to graduate school.

To encourage expanded reach and greater participation by students regardless of financial means, we are enabling professors and universities to cover part of the travel and expenditure through matching travel grants. If no such partial funding is available, students are still eligible to apply for the full grant (limit of $1800), albeit it will be more selective.

Eligibility: uArch welcomes undergrads who may be interested in graduate studies in Computer Architecture, but who do not have an extensive network or guidance to make an informed decision on the topic. Early Master's students are also eligible to apply, as well as recent graduates who are currently in industry but are considering applying to graduate school

Matching Travel Grant: uArch provides a matching grant that covers conference hotel and registration fees for the student with the aim that a professor or the school covers the remaining costs. For local attendees who do not require air travel, we expect this grant to cover most of the costs. The process is detailed here.

Selection Criteria: Applicants will be reviewed by a panel, with factors influencing the decision including: 

Requirements for Grant Recipients: All grant recipients must attend the uArch workshop and ISCA in person.

We will fund as many students as possible. Note that funding may not be available for students from U.S.-sanctioned countries, but all students are welcome to attend.

Application Form (for Students): To apply to participate in the workshop, fill out the form here.

Matching Travel Grant Form (for Professors/Institutions): To sponsor a student with a matching travel grant, fill out the form here.

Note for women undergraduate and graduate students for additional funding: ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs to attend research conferences. The application deadline is April 15 for conferences taking place in June—July 2023. For more information and to apply visit here.

Important Dates

Application Deadline:
March 31, 2023 (extended from March 24, 2023)

Notification to Accepted Applicants:
April 10, 2023

ISCA Conference:
June 17-21, 2023

uArch Main Workshop:
June 18, 2023

Organizing Committee

Martha Barker, Columbia University/AMD
Vidushi Dadu, Google

Deeksha Dangwal, Meta
Aamer Jaleel, Nvidia Research
Divya Mahajan, Microsoft
Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Harvard University
Srilatha (Bobbie) Manne, AMD
Tony Nowatzki, University of California, Los Angeles
Lillian Pentecost, Amherst College
Joshua San Miguel, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Irene Wang, University of British Columbia

Common Questions
