Capnote Speaker

Tim Talen

Retired 4-H Arts & Communications Specialist

Tim Talen served as the Wisconsin 4-H Arts & Communication Specialist and provided leadership for the Wisconsin State 4-H Groups including Drama Company, Photo/Press Team, Art Team and the Showcase Singers. He also provided leadership for the 4-H Statewide arts events including 4-H ArtBeat!, 4-H Arts Camp and 4-H Art Lab.

He was the lead 4-H contact for the non-animal exhibits and activities at the Wisconsin State Fair. Tim brought creativity, positive energy and the towel chicken to many 4-H workshops, meetings and events. His leadership and love for the arts and people strengthened the 4-H arts projects across the state.

Tim is an extremely talented and creative educator that used a variety of teaching methods to bring education and youth development to a different level. In his time as a 4-H Youth Development Agent he expanded multicultural youth programming efforts to address diversity in Sheboygan County. The program focused on tolerance, respect for differences, compassion, working together, and understanding one another.

Because of his leadership, youth throughout Wisconsin 4-H could see themselves in creative spaces that they didn’t before. To many, juggling was just a fun pastime, but to Tim, it was a way to bring youth together and teach them leadership skills, communication skills, and give them a sense of belonging.