Tuning in

Tuning in, or reminding yourself to take notice of what is happening in the present can help you strengthen and broaden your awareness. Noticing your thoughts and feelings as they arise will increase your ability to cope better in different situations and make decisions that are in line with your values and priorities.

Reference: Mind UK



Blob tree

The Blobs are simple. They deal with deep issues using the primary languages we learn from infancy – feelings and body language. This is why they are used with children as young as 4, all the way through to the elderly.

Tune in and ask yourself the following questions:

Be mindful of your feelings

Watch these videos to tune into your emotions.

Dr. Russ Harris's tips to cultivate self-compassion

1. Acknowledge your feelings
There is no right or wrong way of doing this. It is better to notice how you are feeling rather than push it away and escape the uncomfortable emotion.

2. Respond with kindness
We are often very harsh and critical towards ourselves, so think about what you would say to a loved one and tell yourself the same thing. 

Reference: The Happiness Trap

Tuning in to physical sensations

This is a mindfulness exercise that helps you gain awareness of what is happening in your body.

Additional Resources