Year 7 Parents Evening

We enjoyed welcoming Year 7 parents to school with an opportunity to speak to tutors and find out about the PTA and upcoming camp. 

Photo by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic 

Diwali Ball tickets are now on sale!

This year, please purchase tickets through Eventbrite by clicking here. We encourage you to not share this link to non-WIS families as it is a private event. Details about early bird discounts, performers' tickets and more can be found in the FAQ sections in the above Eventbrite link.

Geography Department awarded

Our school's Geography Department has been awarded the Geography Quality Mark and the Centre of Excellence award by the Geographical Association in the UK.

According to the association's feedback, "Geography Students at West Island School have the opportunity to complete a range of fieldwork, both within the local area and further afield...High expectations have been well established, and the department is both motivated and innovative in its drive to improve."

Students’ achievements

Two students’ achievements we celebrate - 

Year 10 Wesley Lai dances at the Hong Kong Academy of Ballet’s opening ceremony as the only child dancer. 

Year 7 Liu Yi (Neil) is champion of the strings-Intermediate group at the Hong Kong Music Talent Music Competition this year. 

Artist Eleanor McColl workshops

This week, artist Eleanor McColl returned to West Island for the second year two host two whole days of workshops for Year 10 and 12 art students, experimenting with mixed-media art-making. 

Photo by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic 

Higher Education and Careers

The Higher Education office's first "Coffee and College" event yesterday on the topic of “Building a CV for university application” has a recording that can be viewed here, and PowerPoint slides can be viewed here. To attend future "Coffee and College" events, please register beforehand here.

Two university faculty members visited-

HKU Bioinformatics professor Dr Jason W. H. Wong shares various pathways including biomedical research, bioinformatics, health technology. 

Clara Hoff, Senior Assistant Dean for International Admission at the University of Virginia Office of Admission speaks to students about admission processes. 

These universities’ representatives will visit the school next month-

University Visits @ WIS: Open for students only  (only for the Year 11s, 12s and 13s

University College London

16 October - Time 10:30 am to 11:05 am | Venue: C402

New York University
17 October 2024 - Time 10:45 am to 11:05 am | Venue: C402

Royal Holloway University of London

28 October 2024 - ime 10:45 am to 11:05 am | Venue: C402

For details on University Visits and Webinars, click here.

For details on External events and Summer programmes, click here.

Traffic Safety

Last but not least, a reminder on traffic safety - we would like to request that all private car pick-ups arrive after 3:25 p.m. only.

Once the school buses have departed, cars can drive into the pick-up area which is safer and less disruptive to the flow of traffic.

Please do not park at bus stops as traffic can be blocked and students would be forced onto the road to get on the buses.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

Thank you for reading the newsletter.

Have a good weekend,

Vicki Hallatt
