Newsletter-Friday, 28 June 2024

Principal's Message

Dear West Island community, 

We wrap up this academic year with gratitude and excitement, as students welcome their well-deserved summer holiday with open arms.

As I have seen and heard from many of the staff, students and parents, the pursuit of being the best you can has been evident, and I look forward to making the community even more supportive in what we can do. 

When we come back next academic year, we will be joined with many upgrades, including a new catering provider with a more diverse menu, a renovated 6/F reception area, and a number of new teaching staff. 

Please see below for this past week’s news around the school. 

I hope the heat wave will not deter our students’ plans to rest, travel, take on different activities and projects of their choosing over the summer. If you would like to share with the school about your summer experiences when you are back in August, please feel free to send an email to Ms Zhang at We would love to hear from you.

Have a great summer break!

Vicki Hallatt


Friday Assembly

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

Year 12 Celebration Assembly

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

Message board for Ms Haworth

Students have given their heartfelt messages to Vice Principal Ms Haworth who is returning to the UK for a new role after having worked at West Island for 17 years. 

Many students wrote that they are thankful for all she has done for the school and the individual students.

Year 11 Formal

Art Exhibition

The Summer Art Exhibition in collaboration with Jockey Club Sarah Roe School opened on Monday at West Island. 

The exhibition celebrates a year of creative explorations using a variety of mediums and techniques with a focus on shape, pattern, texture and colour. 

LSC-Exhibition (1).m4v

Photos by Multimedia Display&Events Coordinator Ivo Lipanovic

ID Pickleball 

Pickleball 'Wimbledon' final competition took place during lunchtime last Friday. Everyone who showed up was a winner. Thank you to all who participated!

Photo by student photographer Oscar Yan

ESF E-sports

Four Year 7 West Island students participated in the ESF Esports Tournament among the 25 teams from ESF schools. 

Year 11 student completes advanced STEM course 

Year 11 student Fravash Turel has successfully completed the Comprehensive Oxford Mathematics and Physics Online School (COMPOS) course. COMPOS is an outreach project run by the Department of Physics at Oxford University. It aims to inspire STEM students to delve deeper into mathematics and physics, with a strong emphasis on developing their problem-solving skills. The course includes online lectures, graded assignments, and small group tutorials.

Well done to Fravash who completed this challenging course during his spare time in the final year of IGCSE!

Fravash's reflection - 'My course consisted of both Mathematics and Physics which had 6 assignments each, covering different topics. In my experience, the questions that I encountered were more challenging than iGCSE's but it allowed me to understand the level of difficulty that each subject could have in IB and in the future. Overall, I would highly recommend the course for anyone interested in pursuing a STEM subject as it's a great opportunity to learn more about Physics and Maths, and whether it's the right path for you.'

Year 12 student wins AmCham's Book Award

Year 12 student Anya Grady won the American Chamber of Commerce's Book Award and attended the award ceremony. 

"Introduced in 1986, this is an annual educational incentive scheme involving 20 Hong Kong secondary schools and colleges. A prize book and book coupon of HK$1,000 is awarded to students in the next to graduating class who combine excellence in scholarship with achievements in community service, leadership, and other related fields, " according to the the American Chamber of Commerce's website.

Emotional support

Over a third of students accessed our wellbeing services this year, through 1-2-1 counselling, CAS activities and student workshops.

Mindset matters and looking after your wellbeing is part of everyday life, but it’s ok not to be ok. If you need any help and support over the holidays, it is always available. And if you’re worried about yours or anyone else’s safety, please call 999.