all things GOOGLE

Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Calendar, and Gmail

google docs




Google Extensions

Extension: extend Google Chrome’s abilities by adding a button next to the address bar, which applies to the current website being viewed.


Google Classroom Parent Summaries

Recently Google has introduced a way for parents & guardians to help keep track of a student’s classroom progress through guardian email summaries. You can choose the frequency of the emails—daily or weekly—and you can unsubscribe or remove yourself from Google Classroom at any time.

Guardian email summaries may include one or all of the following:

  • Missing work—Work that’s late at the time the email was sent

  • Upcoming work—Work that’s due today and tomorrow (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)

  • Class activity—Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers.

It is important to note that not everything done or assigned in a class is completely done via Google Classroom. However, parents and guardians still will find these daily or weekly summaries to be very beneficial.

Each parent or guardian must receive and accept an email invitation from the classroom teacher for the student before you can receive email summaries. Therefore, if you are interested in receiving daily or weekly Google Classroom summaries, please contact the classroom teacher in which you’d like to receive an invitation to join the Google Classroom for your student. Teachers have the ability to add more than one email address per student if desired.

Google Classroom Guardian Summaries Help:

Update: For parents and guardians, Google is now providing easier access to email summaries of student work in Google Classroom, allowing them to receive updates without a Google account. (Dec. 9 , 2016)

Please contact Mrs. Thompson, Director of Curriculum and Instruction with any questions you might have regarding the Google Classroom Guardian Summaries.