Future Project:

Fair Share LTD Companies


Winkler Services HQ Ltd

What is Fair Shares?

Fair Shares is a philosophy for creating and sustaining networks of solidarity enterprises that share power and wealth amongst their entrepreneurs, producers, consumers and investors. Its effectiveness is linked to its resources for self-governing social enterprises operating as companies, co-operatives, associations and partnerships. It offers a unique approach to enterprise ownership, governance and management through its recognition and integration of founders, producers, employees, customers, service users and investors, and support for Creative Commons IP in enterprise development.

The Fair Shares Model can be applied as a methodology for social enterprise development. It is supported by:

five values and principles

six key questions

five learning and development methods

four legal identities

seven ICT support platforms

six forms of wealth contribution

They were created during research programs on democratising charities, co-operatives and social enterprises at Sheffield Hallam University and Manchester Metropolitan University, and an EU Erasmus+ Project to develop Fair Shares Labs. The model promotes recognition of capital contributions (natural, human, social, intellectual, economic and financial) by founders, labour, users and financial supporters. Each stakeholder is allocated a fair share of the wealth and power created by a business.

Winkler Group Fair Share projects:

  • Computers and other refreshed DIGITAL DEVICES and SKILLS development- repairs and support for personal use as well as for organisations and companies

  • Partnership Branches and Franchisees

  • right companies, right services to help people be a part of the company, not an employee

Future projects - as a Fair Share CIC, we want to build a structure of companies, that will not only cooperate with each other, but will also support our clients in everyday problems:

Training and Support with new technologies


Properties in an HONEST way

If your idea for businesses and fits in our ideology - come to us - join Winkler GROUP

Get in touch to talk about details