How can we help you

Certainly the most important question you will be asked by our team is “How can we help you?” In order to provide the best possible services to every individual we will require to have a full understanding of the circumstances. Therefor, it is so important for us to have all our clients registered on our system, this gives us a full awareness of individuals identity. This allows us to provide our clients with the most personal and highest quality service. In regards to any circumstances, the first visit with our advisors will be free. Regarding Personal Data, data will not be sold or shared with no third party companies, yet relative data will be shared with all Winkler Holding companies to provide the best possible services in undertaking circumstance.

We can offer support with:


Assistance in finding accommodation

Bank accounts

Contacts with landlords

English phone numbers

Job Centres and social security

Doctor visits and hospital

Finding transport

Writing a CV and cover letters

Contacts with companies: insurance and debt

Contacts with agencies work and housing

Get European medical card

Appointments and their translation

Registration home from suppliers of electricity, gas and water

TV License

Establishment of the Internet and the telephone line

Renting an apartment:

Contact agent: Translating documentation

Signing a contract

Get back overpaid tax

Filing documents to the DVLA:

Car registration, the exchange of driver's license for a

British one

Purchase road tax

Translations in reviews of car

Conclusions: Social accommodation addition to working

Child benefits

In the event of a serious illness to get a livelihood

Sing in a child to school

any many, many more...

Living in UK 2 days or 3 years doesn't making to many difference if you don't understand British government. The easier way to understand all of our client problems we based on information shared on which is the biggest library of information. Every single case is currently checked by our advisors and choosing the best solution for our clients. We offer list of services for private person, business and companies. In Winkler Group we choose a group of companies cooperating together to build international enterprise supporting every person planning or living in UK. Our mission is lead clients on best way to give them peacefully living.