Our Process

The Issue

There are so many things that people don't have access to that vary from something specific like retirement money to something more vague like food and water. It was important for us to meet with speakers and learn about this before we met in groups because it allowed ourselves to broaden our views and take a step into someone else's shoes. It allowed us to see the bigger picture of accessibility and gave ourselves more options to choose from once we met with our groups.

Research + Define 

When we were placed into our groups, we put our heads together in order to decide what topic we wanted to work on. We then decided on mental health. Since mental health is a widespread problem with many aspects we could focus on, we kept researching on the topic so we could specifically work towards one goal. Once we finally decided on our barrier, accessibility  to stress and anxiety relief, we researched why people struggle so much with stress, and what solutions there already are. Researching into our barrier was important because it allowed us to specifically tailor our product to what people are struggling with. It enhanced our knowledge on the topic of stress and anxiety so we were more educated when it came to the problem. Our detailed research helped us make the decision of what our final solution should be.


As a group, we began to come up with tons of solutions for our client. We each came up with at least 14 ideas, ending up with over 40 solutions. These solutions gave us lots of ideas for what our final product would be. 

We then began to collect specific feedback on our solution ideas. The feedback we got from her allowed us to simplify our ideas into our final product. 

Test, Iterate, Implement

We adjusted and improved our initial solution then moved forward by constructing and finally completing our product. We then gathered data and feedback and continued to build and improve. We started by creating our protoype on TinkerCad, so we could 3D print it because we agreed that 3D printing would be the most efficient way to make our protoype. Once it was 3D printed, we took different types of fidgets and allowed our client to pick which ones she believed were most effective to relieving her stress and anxiety. Once she picked the fidgets, we created a new design that would involve the fidgets into the attachment. We then collected data by checking her heart rate before and after using our fidget while dealing with stress in her workspace. The numbers proved to us that our solution was effective because her heart rate would go down. The data and feedback we received from our client let us improve on our product and then check to see if our initial goal was being accomplished with our product.

My Movie 8.mov


We worked together as a group to present and explain our product. We explained our data