
My Movie

Our Product:

The filter bomb is a fizzer that you drop in your water and shake to dissolve. The fizzer will have iodine purification filtration and a variety of flavors. The purification part will make it safe to drink and the flavoring will make it taste better, so it isn’t salty or gritty. 

The flavorings will also have a sugar free option. It will be small and compact so you can throw it in your purse or backpack and enjoy a busy day of travel.

Other Products:

While there are other products that exist and do filter water, our product filters water and flavors it so it tastes better and will not have any lasting flavors from the bacteria in the water.

Community of Focus: 

Our client, Shannon Pero, needs something small and compact to filter her water and make it taste better, because as a flight attendant she has experienced first hand that when traveling abroad, because the water is often unsafe to drink, buying water is bulky and expensive.

Initial sketch of product

Picture of finished product