

First, we met up with many people to discuss and ideate many basic rights where people need to be more accessible to. 

This was important because it opened our eyes to how many people needed help to gain things we consider rights, and made us more driven to pick a topic we were passionate about, which helped us build a project that can help many people.


After we went over all our possible issues, we became very excited to help give more people access to water, and became researching a lot about people who don't have access to clean water, and as we often travel, we wanted to help travelers in foreign countries  get access to drinkable water, without constantly having to buy bottled water. 

This helped us to build our final product, because after arriving on our final issue, we knew exactly what we needed to solve through our invention, which made it easier to brainstorm possible solutions.


We brainstormed forty ideas which would all give people who traveled to foreign countries access to clean drinking water not through plastic, bottled water.

After arriving on our final idea of flavored "bath bombs" we interviewed eight different people and our client what we could do to improve our product, and adapted it accordingly

This was important to our process, because the brainstorming helped us arrive on the best possible product and the interviews helped us realize what improvements would need to be made.


After adapting our product based on what many people said should be improved, we made many different products, with each one better than the last, we landed on our final product, and we tested the taste and how clean the water was after placing our product in the water. 

This was important, because it allowed us to create the best possible product to solve our issue of water purifictaion in foreign countries.


We launched our product and displayed it to the public, published our website, and went through all our past steps to this moment, and logged the importance of each.

Lastly, we introduced our product to many prominent guests at the CBL forum at Windward School.

This was important because it allowed many people to see our hard work, perseverance, and determination, which all went into our final product.