
 Our Summit Safety Vest

My Movie

Our solution is a reflective vest that has many attachable features that will keep the user safe at night. Our reflective vest differs from others because it will have many different purposes and function that can be unique to the user. They would be able to attach a flashlight, whistle, dog treats, dog bags, pepper spray, and/or anything else that they would want to have at night. Our vest will also be easy to carry in a backpack or even a purse, so it won't be a nuisance to carry around. We are also working towards making the vest more streamlined after taking to potential clients, and allowing for a comfortable, usable, but most importantly safe invention that can be used by anyone for any reason.

                  Our Timeline


This chart shows how far away you could see the person wearing and not wearing the vest.

When pointing a flashlight at the reflective fabric, 98% of the light was reflected back into the light sensor.