
The Issue

Before we started building we...

Researched different topics that people couldn't access. Then we realised that one of our group members, didn't have access to walking safety at night.

Research and Define 

As a group, we needed to find if other people had the same issue. We realised that 37% of Americans don’t feel safe to walk at night. According to a poll 27% of men don’t feel comfortable, and 45% of women don’t either. 


Then we started brainstorming ideas...

We took insparation from designs that we found online to create a streamlined vest with multiple attachments to make it easliy acsessable and can fit anyones needs. We went to faculty at Windward for feedback and took their insparation aswell.

Test, Iderate, and Implement

We then started creating our design...

We did most of our work in the Windward Create Studio, and spent at least three class periods creating, failing and suceeding. We first sewed our reflective tape onto the vest, and then made the attachments that came with the vest, such as a dog bag carrier, a light and pepper spray. Then we added extra reflective tape, per our clients request, and lowered the place where we put our pepper spray. We added a light on the back and a few more places to attach things, and our basic product design was complete.

My Movie


Then, we launched our product...

All of our testing, implementing and data collecting all culminated at the community forum, where we were able to show of the Summit Safety Vest to family and faculty. We took about 30 people on the journey of creating our final product, starting with our mind map. Our data showed the process of implementing of inovative invention into real life situations, and overall our group was happy with our final