
The Barrier

Our group wants to make sports equipment more affordable. Sports equipment can reach very expensive prices which can lead families with limited financial resources to spend on their sports. If sports equipment were more affordable, more people would be able to pay the price.

Sports equipment can vary in expenses depending on what sport you play, where you play it, and if there are any other additional fees. Many families struggle to provide money for their sport while also paying for things such as food, taxes, etc. 

While some sports such as track and cross country are on the cheaper side, other sports like hockey can cost up to $337-$3,440, and that's just for equipment. This is why we want to make equipment more affordable for everyone. With more affordable equipment a larger range of people would be able to participate in sports!

The equipment prices of different sports

Graph of Sports Equipment

This is a graph of the average cost of sports equipment.  It reaches from about $80 to about $500. Though most families have atleast $80 to spare on sports equipment, many families can't afford to spend $300 or more.

The Barrier Vlog


Barrier Video

This video shows our main points of progress to solve a solution for our barrier