Our Process

The Importance of Every Step

The Issue                                                      

Researching general information about problems

that effect everyday people was one of the most important

steps. By identifying what affects people, we became driven

to change the world.

Researching and Defining a Problem

In this step, we researched a problem until we were confident in our knowledge of one. 

This step determined the course of the rest of the project. It reinforced our understanding of

both the problem and soloutions.


In this phase, we designed a soloution to help stop our problem. With the knowledge from our

research to back us up, we set forth to create something that would help our community for the


Test, Iterate, Implement

Approaching the end, in this phase, we assembled, collected feedback and implemented our 

design. This part of the project is what ultimately told us of the effectivness of our work. With

promising results, we looked forward to our launch.


In the final moments of our project, we shared our research, prototype, and most importantly, 

results with the world. This phase was the finale of the project, bearing the fruits of our labour  

and providing the help to the community we worked so hard to achieve. Our group presented

to our school at the forum presentation. It was here, that our project reached the end.

Everything From Start to Finish

From throwing crumpled ideas into the trash, to showing the system to seniors, its truly impressive how far this project has traveled. Lets go back to the very beginning of our work, where everything began.

Step 1: An idea

We brainstormed what barriers to attack first. We all thought of how elderly people suffered with loneliness and how they weren't socializing anymore. We were determined to help elderly people connect more. But before we could make a soloution, we needed to find someone who knew more.

Step 2: Finding a Client

We tried reaching out to large companies that combat elderly lonliness, but none responded in time. So, we decided to reach out to family and friends, eventually we were able to contact a friend of a friend who worked with elderly people. After explaining the project, they were more than happy to help. 

Step 3: Designing a Solution

After establishing the problem and making sure that we were on the same page, our group set out to make as many ideas as possible. Eventually we found one that we rather liked. We took this idea to parents, faculty, and even siblings, until eventually it was at the best point possible. Now we only had to build it.

Step 4: Crafting a prototype

We took that idea and made it a reality. After a couple days of hard work, we eventually made a functioning prototype. After polishing it a little bit, we prepared to send it off to our client.

Step 5: Client Feedback

After contacting out client, we managed to book a meeting. From there, we only had to wait. After a short period of time we entered a zoom call and explained where our project currently was. The client absolutely loved it and gave only positive feedback. With our prototype in hand, we set out to find community members to test it. 

Step 6: Collecting Data

We attempted to contact senior centers, but to no avail. For a backup plan, we contact everyone that we knew was in this community and collected data with them. 

Step 7: Finalizing our website and video

In this phase we approach the finale of the project. With the forum just around the corner, we finish adapting our website, checking for erros, and updating the information, before we finish our final video detailing our journey. With victory in hand, we approach the community forum.


In our last phase, we presented the project to the community and recived feedback for our work. We decided to include a posterboard where people could pin recipies and why they were important. This would emulate the goal of the project, as it displayed community connection. After seeing our presentation and adding to the board, we recived incredible feedback. A true testimate to our hard work and sucsess.

How the Forum Went

During the course of the community forum, we presented our project to our school and recived feedback. We had very positive reviews overall and recived very little negative feedback. Some of the ways we could improve our project were in the area of usability though. In a few conversations, people said that on the phone, it was slighly difficult to navigate the site. As for our presentation, we made sure to allow people to interact with a board that would emmulate the website. The board included note cards with instructions. The audience would have to tell us their favorite food and why its important. This would reflect the website, as people would build community through the activity. From our conversations, it seemed that people wanted to talk face to face, not just with comments. This seems to be the next step for our project, if we were to officially lauunch it.

Our Process Video

My Movie 5.mov

Our Timeline