
Our Goal

Our goal is to halt the growth of loneliness spreading in the elderly community. Many elderly people face a lost sense of self purpose due to this cruel problem. In fact, a large sum of people are unaware of how detrimental a lost sense of self purpose can be. Not only will it affect one’s mental health, but physical well-being too. In fact, some sources say that loneliness and a lost sense of self purpose can increase mortality, obesity, and heart complications. However, after careful research, we believe that we can make a solution to this.

The Facts

Self Esteem Changes From Four to 94

This graph clearly shows a drop in self esteem when people reach older ages. This is mainly due to a lack of self purpose.

Credit for graph to: Psychology today

Problems associated with social isolation in numbers

Social isolation is associated with a 29% increased chance of heart disease and complication. Loneliness has also been seen to be associated with stroke, as well has anxiety, and suicide. This by itself is an incredible danger, however when factoring in the elderly population it becomes life threatening. Action must be taken.

In our research we also learned that seniors who posess a lost sense of self purpose face poor metal health, poor physical prowess, hightened stress, and physical complications.  

From an Interview With 

Dr Rita Labeaune

Elderly people are not always completely isolated, however they still face lonliness from the feeling of approaching death. This feeling only intensifies their anxiety, sadness, and isolation.

Our Barrier Video

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