Our Barrier

The barrier

We have chosen ADHD as our barrier. Kids with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have trouble focusing, and don't learn as much. Our team wants to find ways for students to focus, so students who have ADHD can learn more and be able to get just as good of a education as other students.During COVID-19, lots of kids had to switch from school to learning at home. Kids with ADHD find this tricky because they have trouble focusing and sitting still. Virtual learning means less moving around and more boredom. It's hard to make friends and cope with change. Some kids need extra help with schoolwork and stress. But, some kids like virtual learning because there are fewer distractions. Every kid is different, so they need support that fits them.ADHD isn’t detected in kids until their pre-teens, so most kids don’t get a good basic education to build on, and so when they are older, they have an even harder time learning even with ADHD.

final draft vlog 1.mp4

Vlog 1

Section 1 and a bit of 2

Vlog 2

2.1 - 2.5

vlog 2.mp4
vlog 3.mp4

Vlog 3

3.1 - 3.5