Our Solution

The CBL Timeline

Where We Are 

Many solutions have been created for the accessibility problem of access to food when you have a busy day. Some people cannot take time out of their day to grab food for lunch. Because of this it causes less nutrition that is needed in our daily lives. Coco is a robot mini car that drives around Santa monica. It has a 1 mile travel distance and delivers restaurant food to houses and apartments. Another solution is FlyTrex, a drone delivery service. This service has no worry about traffic and just flies right to your backyard to drop off your food. Wing is another drone delivery service. Postmates is a delivery service for food that is by a human delivering by a car. Postmates, Grubhub, and Uber Eats are all the same with a human driving a car to deliver the food. For our solution we are going to shorten the amount of time that the average person takes to get lunch. We used Dirk Binkley, a Windward school teacher who has to wait in long lunch lines everyday as our client. How we plan to collect data is by measuring what the difference in time is from Dirk on his own, by waiting in line and getting lunch then how long it takes him to start eating. Then we will measure the time it takes for dirk to get his food and start eating using our new invention. Our invention will shorten the time it takes for Dirk to sit down and start eating from the beginning of lunch break. 

WI Delivery

Our community of focus is teachers that do not have time to get lunch through the day. To combat that problem, we are creating a delivery service app specifically for Windward where the app  matches a teacher to a student and the student can deliver food to the person they are matched to.  You are wonder why would the student do this, what is the incentive? The answer to this is community service time. Each delivery to a teacher will count as 10 minutes in community service time. At the beginning will have the student sign up for the program at least six times so that it counts as an hour of community service time.

Our Progress Video

CBL Video 2.mov