Long Lines for Lunch

Photo by Jenine Wiedel Photo library depicting a long line of people waiting to order food.

Photo of a long line for food stands by Richard Gunion.

The line for the pavilion during peak hours at (lunch) windward 

 Long Lines For Lunch                                                                                         

There is a big issue that teachers and students face daily. This problem is finding time to eat lunch. Students and teachers are forced to wait in long lines that take up to 75% of their lunch time. Sometimes they decide not to eat at all because they have an important meeting. This is a problem because everyone needs nutrition to function daily. Especially growing students because they are learning and at this point in their life is when their brain needs the most nutrition and time to learn. Teachers have lots of work to do as well, which is why they need to be able to just take at most 5 minutes to grab a lunch and get back to work.

Evidence and Stats

More than half of the middle and high school students say they eat school lunch but some say they skip meals because of the long lines.

69% of the students say they would eat more if the food choices were varied more

41 % of the students dislike lunch because of the long lines they have to wait in

students become uncomfortable with waiting in lines

Our Barrier Video

CBL Video 1.mov