~The Process~

The Issue

As an introduction to the world of innovations and creative mindsets, we were shown 17 amazing innovations built to solve a problem. This was an important step in the process because it planted the seed of curosity and we began to see the effects that these innovations had on specific barrier and the people of which it effected. 

Research and Define


After being inspired, we began researching in hopes to find a barrier of which we felt excited to improve. Letting our creative juices flow, we created a mindmap of possible barriers and slowly narrowed it down to one. Once we chose our barrier, we researched more about that barrier and existing solutions. Then, we were in search of client of which their needs connected to our barrier and that we could improve or fix. This step was crucial to our journey because it expanded our knowlege on the topic and provided somebody who could be our flow of information and we could rely on for feedback and critisim.


This was the stage where we brainstormed over 50 solutions to our barrier, some less possible than others, and held nothing back! Then with a second opinion of adults and our clients we narrowed it down to one solution, one that would be possible and effective. This stage was insanely important because we were setting the stage for the rest of our project. The basic structure we lay down in this stage will suport the following steps. 

Test, Iterate, Implement 

In this stage of the process, we built our solution and with the help of our clients, improved it to fit their needs as best as possible in the limited time that we had. Then with the help of our clients, tested and collected data on our solution making any more necessary changes. This stage was important because we learned the patience we needed to convert an idea into reality. We also learned to take in the feedback of others and implement it into our solution. 

Vlog Three, our third vlog

Vlog 3


This was the final step of the project where we presented our solution to the outside world! Windward hosted a Community Forum where students, teachers and parents could wander around and learn about all the new innovations. Each team had half a table where we had our poster and our interactive element. This stage was important because this was the time to finally share our solution and what we learned along the way with the community.