
Chelsea is a seventh grade student with a love for animals and a desire to help. She has known about guide dogs for a while and has been fascinated with the idea of “intelligent disobedience”, a crucial characteristic of a guide dog. Once researching the barriers that come with the different modes of transportation, she came across guide dogs. Upon further research, Chelsea saw the impact the dogs had on their handlers. She knew she wanted to help improve the accessibility to guide dogs and give those a chance to something that could change their lives forever. 


Pippa is a seventh grade student who has always loved animals.  She has always been interested in guide dogs and the blind community and has always wanted to help in some way. Upon diving deeper into barriers that come with living with visual impairments, she was made aware that lack of information was a huge obstacle in the way of getting a guide dog. Now that Pippa has learned about this issue, she is determined to help, knowing that sometimes all it can take to change your life, is a helping paw.