
The Issue

Before we got put into our groups, as a class we discussed the different barriers or accessibility issues people around the world might have.

Research and Define


Once the groups were made, we started talking about a more narrow topic we wanted to focus on. We started researching to make sure this barrier exists, and the we proceeded to the next step: finding a client.


In our groups, we started to come up with many ideas that would fix the barrier that we chose. One we had one that we knew we could create, we put our device into action with our client.


Test, Iterate, Implement

We started with finding a client who has the barrier that we are focusing on. We would then ask them if they could test our device out. In our case, we were able to find Autumn Brannon, a K-3 grade art teacher at Curtis School to help us test out our product. According to her feedback, she had less to clean because of our prototype and its purpose. She included that the re-usable portion of our device was effective towards the kids because they used most of the paint but since she was able to re-fill it,


there was not much of a problem. Though there were some corrections to how we could improve our prototype such as making the sponge more secure to the bottle. We were then able to implement these when going over any mistakes or improvements for our prototype. 


After all of the hard work our team was able to accomplish, we were able to present our project at the Challenge Based Learning Community Forum. We always had a new and different audience member joined in to listen to our presentation, they were fully engaged and always had questions. There were some improvements that could have been made, such as preparing our prototype for the presentation and interactive portion of the forum. For example, our second prototype containing blue paint was not functioning  correctly and the audience members were not able to use it since it wouldn't work. One correction we could have fixed before presenting was the mistakes we found on our poster. For  We discovered that our audience couldn't read a couple of the important percentages such as the statisics for our School Graph. The aesthetic of our poster was also veiwed as uneven with the font sizes and the small wording mistakes. Overall, our presentation wa s a little flawed but ended as a success and was a fun learning experience for our group. 

Process Video

This video describes the whole process of what we did to finalize and implement our product. Enjoy!

My Movie