Health Occupations

Health Occupations Syllabus

Health Occupations    

4th  hour - Ms. Breann Nichols      

Room 11, 217.742.3151 Ext.212   

Google Meet Link

 In this course you will use a variety of scientific areas of study to gain a better understanding of the careers in the health world.  Learn to use basic medical equipment while exploring the many career opportunities in health care. In this course you will be introduced to medical terminology, health care delivery systems, legal and ethical care issues, and employability and job seeking skills. 


Daily Bell Ringer - 5 points per day, 25 points for the week 

Homework - 5-30 points each

Tests & Quizzes  - 10-50 points each; 

Labs/Projects –5 pt./day unless otherwise noted (usually 10 – 15 points total)

Extra Credit 

One homework pass per semester

Classroom Rules -When in doubt, rules and discipline set by the student handbook will be defaulted to.

Late Work Policy - Work submitted on due date has a potential for 100% of points. You will be allowed 1 unexcused late work of 1 day late submission per semester. Any other late work is a ZERO. Keep in mind that I am not going to hound you or chase you down for late work, so be diligent and get it in.

Health Occupation Curriculum  (Subject to change due to pacing)