Useful Links

πŸ“² Class Dojo - The best way to communicate on a consistent basis with Mr. Kirby and stay updated on your child's behavior progress.

🌎 Discovery Education - This site serves as our e-book and digital learning tool used regularly in class. Students may access their account online from any computer or tablet.

πŸ—‚ Standards and Curriculum - This is the foundation of the instruction your child receives in this class with goal of making (or exceeding) proficiency for promotion.

πŸ“š PowerSchool/SchoolNet - FAQ for Parents

To retrieve your student's info and access code for your account, contact Jones MWF to speak with our data manager.

*Simply click the link (underlined text) to navigate to the website.

T.A.G - Turn the question into a statement, Answer the question, and Give evidence as reasons for what supports your choice (if open ended). Some examples of what students will work toward accomplishing by the end of the first semester.

T.A.G. Example 1) What are the four types of precipitation?

A. The four types of precipitation are rain, hail, sleet, or snow.

T.A.G. Example 2) Explain why gravity is a force AND what does it affect does it have on physical objects?

Gravity is a force because it pulls objects toward the center of the earth or attracts objects with mass toward each other. One is example is the moon being pulled in to earth's gravity.