
For students

The internet can be great fun. You can chat to your friends, play games and learn about new things. But sometimes things happen which can make you upset. People may say mean things which make you feel sad, or you may see something that you don’t like.  If this happens, you must remember it’s not your fault.  You can also tell us at CEOP what is happening so we can help you. If there is an adult you trust, like your mum, dad, carer or teacher, get them to help you fill out the form. Click here to get the form.

For parents/carers

We at Wilmington seek to embrace the digital age by creating responsible digital citizens.  As we move forward the Internet and related technologies, including mobile phones, blogs, podcasting and social networks are becoming increasingly important in the daily lives of our children and have many positive benefits.

They can be used both educationally and socially and are becoming part of a child’s identity. Socially our children often use the Internet for entertainment, interaction, and communication with ‘friends’. Access to the Internet can take place anywhere and at any time so we need to make sure our children are able to use the Internet safely. Many children are unaware of the risks for example by having many online friends (who could be strangers), uploading inappropriate images, viewing unsuitable content or even becoming addicted to the Internet.

Our programme of e safety guides your child through the benefits and dangers of having a virtual presence.  Through assemblies, dedicated tutor programmes and bespoke action days we actively prepare your child to be a responsible digital citizen.  It is imperative that we all have a role to play in keeping students safe online.

If you have any concerns we encourage you to contact for advice and guidance or report it to CEOP (Child exploitation and Online protection Centre).

What Parents Can do:

How to be safe: