Strategic Plan
Engage, Empower, Inspire
In Fall 2021, after a detailed and thoughtful planning process, District 39 launched a new multi-year strategic plan (2021-26) for the district. The Board of Education unanimously approved this plan during its September 2021 meeting, providing a roadmap for the district focused on the most essential, key initiatives while accomplishing collective excellence for our students.
A visual representation of our progress-to-goal for key performance indicators (KPIs) can be found on our D39 Strategic Plan Dashboard.
For more details, please refer to our Fall 2024 progress report that details our 2023-24 accomplishments and 2024-25 high-priority action steps. Additionally, you can also access our progress report of accomplishments from May 2024 and our 2023-24 end-of-year progress report presentation.
Strategic Plan Showcase Video
Portrait of a District 39 Scholar
Click here for a printable PDF version of our 2021-26 Strategic Plan.
Goal 1: Student Achievement and Growth
GOAL: Ensure a differentiated education that provides a strong foundation of rigorous academic learning
Differentiate instruction and supports to ensure and monitor a strong academic foundation of challenging, meaningful, and growth-oriented experiences for all students.
Implement structured staff collaboration focused on data-informed practices to support rigorous achievement and growth for all students.
Provide differentiated professional development opportunities to support effective, innovative and growth-focused classroom practices.
ACTION STEPS (2024-25):
Analyze student data after each benchmark period (e.g., MAP, aimswebPlus, classroom performance, etc.), in order to make adjustments to Tier 1 instruction and identify students who require Tier 2 or Tier 3 services (intervention or enrichment) in either reading or math.
Train special education teachers in research-based reading, writing and math resources/strategies to increase the efficacy of instruction for students with disabilities (e.g. structured literacy); analyze student progress to adjust instruction.
Continue to engage general education staff in professional learning about research-based reading and math Tier 1 instruction, assessment, and intervention, including math support and enrichment, reading intervention, and differentiation support.
Implement newly adopted curriculum in accordance with district and school-provided training, as well as team collaboration.
Grades K-4 Bridges math
K-2 UFLI Early Literacy Foundational Skills
Grades 5-8 social studies
Conduct a full curriculum materials review for Grades K-8 English Language Arts to address all tiers of general education instruction as well as a focus on diverse representation in literature.
Provide explicit instruction to students on the goal setting process in line with students’ developmental level, and engage all students in the goal setting for either class and/or individual goals across all tiers of instruction.
Prepare for the implementation of a new grades 5-8 academic schedule for 2025-2026 school year by finalizing the logistics and engaging staff in professional learning on the use of set aside time for intervention and SEL instruction.
Launch instructional coaching to provide embedded professional learning, support, and foster continuous professional growth for staff.
Prepare for the transition to full-day Kindergarten academic programming for implementation in Fall of 2025.
Goal I action steps from previous years: 2021-22 | 2022-23 | Strategic Plan Progress Report (Fall 2023) | 2023-24
Goal 2: Supportive Community
GOAL: Cultivate a supportive and inclusive learning community that is responsive to the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of each student.
Implement a consistent and proactive curriculum addressing social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students.
Strengthen the sense of belonging, engagement, representation, and agency for students through diverse, welcoming opportunities for community building leadership and student-to-student connections.
ACTION STEPS (2024-25):
Provide targeted support and instruction for upstander behaviors.
Implement Wayfinder social-emotional curriculum in grades 5-8, with a focus on belonging.
Implement a new reporting tool for “SEL skill development” in grades K-4 to supplement the “Behaviors that Promote Learning” section of the report card.
Implement and integrate monthly DEIB themes across the district for staff, students, and families.
Expand student connections through creation of flexible recess opportunities, incorporating the findings of the Community Review Committee (CRC) report.
Evaluate alignment between social work resources, vocabulary, and practices and SEL Tier 1 curriculum (Everyday Speech and Wayfinder).
Define and utilize behavior levels, disciplinary responses and Restorative Practices for each building; analyze patterns to inform next steps.
Launch and align Tier 2 and Tier 3 SEL resources for building-based MTSS SEL problem-solving.
Maintain use of Responsive Advisory, Morning Meeting and a Responsive Classroom approach across school communities.
Goal II action steps from previous years: 2021-22 | 2022-23 | Strategic Plan Progress Report (Fall 2023) | 2023-24
Goal 3: Professional Community
GOAL: Foster a professional community that values, supports, develops, and retains highly effective staff.
Improve collaborative and shared decision-making structures to strengthen representation, engagement, and agency for staff.
Cultivate a more equitable and inclusive learning community by developing staff expertise to support diverse learners through differentiated instruction and culturally supportive teaching.
ACTION STEPS (2024-25):
Engage the District Strategic Advisory Team to monitor progress and offer suggestions for strategic goal refinement throughout the year. [Year 4]
Seek information from staff regarding onboarding, mentoring and support at key moments in their D39 career to identify themes using exit interviews, surveys and focus groups.
Engage and include staff members on district and/or school committees so voices and expertise are represented and contribute to a collaborative, shared decision making structure.
Seek input from staff and administration regarding professional learning needs and priorities.
Review culture and climate survey information to develop school specific action steps to address needs of the faculty and staff.
Provide Advanced Facilitated IEP training for Student Services Faculty with an emphasis on opportunities to practice conversation/meeting facilitation in preparation for IEP meetings.
Provide parent training sessions regarding advocacy strategies for parents during the IEP meeting process.
Implement the following initial recommendations from the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Task Force:
Identify ways to advertise for employees of color
Communicate the diversity of D39 families and staff
Provide training for all staff on how to address microaggressions and racism (consistent protocol for addressing)
Review and revise interview questions
Communicate interest in diverse student teachers when asked to accept student teachers in D39
Begin to design opportunities for mentoring of new staff aligned to affinity groups/identities/interests
Explore Frontline's capability to offer a race/ethnicity field for applicants and collect baseline data for each position posted
Goal III action steps from previous years: 2021-22 | 2022-23 | Strategic Plan Progress Report (Fall 2023) | 2023-24
Goal 4: Family Partnerships
GOAL: Strengthen partnerships by connecting, collaborating, and communicating with families and communities to advance teaching and learning.
Improve school-home communication through more consistent and effective strategies, especially those focused on communicating student performance, goal-setting, and growth monitoring.
Implement strategies to better support successful transitions from 4th-5th and 6th-7th grades for students and parents.
ACTION STEPS (2024-25):
Expand use of PowerSchool Parent Portal to include academic and assessment reports, and additional attendance functionality, while exploring student access.
Update report card experience for parents by providing historical report card access and a clean downloadable version. Explore the use of digital signatures for confirmation of receipt.
Organize our District YouTube videos of live and recorded events for ease of access by parents.
Research the concept of a spring open house for incoming 5th grade and 7th grade students to assist with familiarity of the building and to aid with transitioning.
Focus on intergenerational communication by providing information in multiple formats to parents and caregivers.
Host parent education event(s) regarding the benefits of free play while providing strategies for fostering more independent play (CRC recommendation).
Goal IV action steps from previous years: 2021-22 | 2022-23 | Strategic Plan Progress Report (Fall 2023) | 2023-24
Goal 5: Stewardship of Resources
GOAL: Ensure the effective use of resources to sustain practices that promote growth.
Implement long-term capital planning focused on facility maintenance.
Examine resource allocation practices, including staffing, based on best instructional models and techniques.
ACTION STEPS (2023-24):
Review 5-year capital improvement plan bi-annually, with a focus on facility maintenance and upgrades to sustain practices that promote growth.
Review, plan, and prioritize building-based capital improvement projects to fit within the District’s summer building use and construction schedule.
Monitor legislative adjustments related to property tax funding formulas, real estate tax appeal refunds, pension cost shifts, and other legislation from Springfield with a financial impact to anticipate, consider and plan for the potential impact on District 39 availability of resources, incorporating findings into the presentation of the annual 5-year projections.
Note: Action steps are regular items on Board of Education meeting agendas throughout the year. Therefore, the information, discussions, and presentations can be found on the district website.
Goal V action steps from previous years: 2021-22 | 2022-23 | Strategic Plan Progress Report (Fall 2023) | 2023-24
District Strategic Advisory Team
As we build a strong foundation of leadership, collaborative decision-making, and ongoing progress review and monitoring for our 2021-26 Strategic Plan, we have assembled a District Strategic Advisory Team to assist with this important work. The District Strategic Advisory Team of representative stakeholders reviews, informs, and evaluates implementation of the strategic plan as well as the related annual action planning and performance. The purpose of the D39 Strategic Advisory Team is to continuously provide input and study progress related to the strategic plan in order to guide improvements, action plans, and progress monitoring as well as suggest adjustments to planning and next steps.
The D39 Strategic Advisory Team is not a voting body; rather, rather it helps establish and review key performance indicators (KPIs) to guide decisions on refinement and implementation of action plans. This group makes recommendations to the superintendent regarding adjustments to action plans, implementation and progress monitoring, and is responsible for reviewing and providing feedback action plans, monitoring accountability in plan progress, and ensuring voice, agency and representation in decision-making.
The D39 Strategic Plan Advisory Team is comprised of representative stakeholders from district administration, teacher and support staff union leadership, parents, educational professionals, and members of the Board of Education. Each member serves a two-year term, with an appliation process in place to fill vacancies as needed.
District Strategic Advisory Team (2024-25)
District Superintendent/Facilitator
Dr. Kari Cremascoli
District 39 Representatives (2)
Allyson Paflas (Member of the Board of Education)
Amy Poehling (Member of the Board of Education)
Goal Champions (6)
Goal 1 - Katie Lee (Administrator for Curriculum and Instructions) and Kristin Swanson (Administrator for Student Services)
Goal 2 - Kelly Jackson (Principal, Highcrest)
Goal 3 - Heather Glowacki (Assistant Superintendent)
Goal 4 - Tony DeMonte (Administrator for Technology, Information, and Safety)
Goal 5 - Corey Bultemeier (Business Manager)
School Administrators (4)
Anthony Haduch (Assistant Principal, McKenzie)
Robert Miller (Grade Level Administrator, WJHS)
Linda Moric (Grade Level Administrator, Highcrest)
Dana Nasiakos (Principal, McKenzie)
District Administrators (2)
Leo Krause (Communications Director)
Joshua Swanner (Asst. Director of Curriculum and Instruction, District 39)
District Parents/Families (6)
Sarah Black (Wilmette Junior High)
Sharon Hofmann (Harper)
Joe McGann (Wilmette Junior High)
Patrick Parmentier (Highcrest)
Megan Roberts (Highcrest)
Marc Wilson (McKenzie)
Wilmette Education Association (WEA) Member (6)
Anne Bishop (Highcrest)
Marissah Cook (Romona)
Andrea Reiser Cummins (Central)
Jessica Rylach (McKenzie)
Sara Salomonsson (Harper)
Jackie Zorger (Highcrest)
Wilmette Support Staff Union (SSU) Members (4)
Caroline Cerrone (Harper)
Angelique Cullen-Ketzback (Central)
Anne Dutro (Romona)
Nina Nissan (McKenzie)
Presentation of Strategic Plan
NOTE: This presentation was made during the District 39 Board of Education meeting on Sept. 27, 2021.
Please visit our website for more information on our strategic plan process and an archive of past District 39 strategic plans.