
Step 1: Open the graphic organizer

Click File, then click Make a Copy. Rename the document with your class period and your country name, then share it with your group members. Make sure you give them editing permission.

Step 2: Create a Project in EasyBib

Step 3: Research your country and take notes in your graphic organizer

Below are resources to help in your research

Background Information about the Country

CIA World Factbook

BBC News Country Profile

Are the Limits on Government Protected and/or Neglected?

What three rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are protected or neglected?

Freedom House - Freedom in the World Report

Amnesty International

Aljazeera News

Turkey Blocks Wikipedia, Accusing It Of Running 'Smear Campaign'

Step 4: Answer the question "What Type of Government Does This Country Have?"

Use evidence from the resources to defend your claim.

Image Resource:

Britannica ImageQuest - Use the Cite button for a pre-formatted citation. Copy and paste it into Easybib!