
Step 1: Open the graphic organizer

Click File, then click Make a Copy. Rename the document with your class period and your country name, then share it with your group members. Make sure you give them editing permission.

Step 2: Create a Project in EasyBib

Step 3: Research your country and take notes in your graphic organizer

Below are resources to help in your research

Background Information about the Country:

CIA World Factbook

Government of Canada

National Geographic

Encyclopedia Britannica - Canada

Are the Limits on Government Protected and/or Neglected?

What three rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are protected or neglected?

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Slate Magazine - Why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Won't Criticize Donald Trump

Freedom House - Freedom in the World Report

Amnesty International

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Step 4: Answer the question "What Type of Government Does This Country Have?"

Use evidence from the resources to defend your claim.

Image Resource:

Britannica ImageQuest - Use the Cite button for a pre-formatted citation. Copy and paste it into Easybib!