Google Workspace for education overview
What is Google Workspace for EDU?
Google Workspace for Education is a suite of tools that allows students and teachers to collaborate in real-time to create documents, presentations, surveys, spreadsheets, drawings and even websites. All tools are free, ad-free, reliable and secure. You can find more details about the tools we use on the Google Classroom or Google Workspace Tools Pages.
Why are we using it?
Google Workspaces for Education provides the ability for students and teachers to communicate, store files and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations from school or home, all within a secure online environment. It is important to remember an educational Google account is structured and managed differently than a “consumer” or “personal” Google account.
How do we access it?
Students can access their Williamsville Google Workspace account from any Internet browser or from any mobile device with the Google App installed. They can access their files and edit them at school or home. Follow the directions below to log in and access your files.
On any computer go to
2. Click the blue sign in button in the upper right hand corner
3. Enter student username like below: ex=
4. Enter student password
(If you need help with student usernames or passwords, please call the Williamsville School's Parent Help Desk at 716-626-8058)
5. On tablets/phones download app first and enter account information there
To access files, students need to access Google Drive